
I am currently an Associate Professor in the Economics Department at Denison University.  I am also the Director of Quantitative Initiatives.

My research is primarily in the field of Monetary and Macroeconomics. I am currently studying the impact of several different housing market features on macroeconomic volatility. I am also interested in Economic Education, Public Economics, and Behavioral Economics. Please refer to Research for more information.

I regularly teach Intermediate Macroeconomics, Econometrics, and Advanced Econometrics. I have also taught upper-levels special topics courses entitled The Great Recession, A Tale of Two Recessions: 2008 and 2020, Asset Price Bubbles and Financial Crises, and Macroeconomic Finance. I also enjoy teaching Principles of Macroeconomics and First-Year Seminar.

Office Phone: --

Email: marshalle@denison.edu

Denison University

100 W College Street

Granville, OH 43023.