About me

Short academic bio

I received my doctoral degree in 2008 from Helsinki University of Technology with Professor Ilkka Niemelä as my supervisor. After my dissertation I have worked as a postdoctoral researcher at University of Helsinki in 2009 and at Aalto University from 2010 onwards. In 2011 my postdoctoral researcher project titled "Constraint-Based Reasoning for Data Mining" received funding from Academy of Finland (duration 3 years) and I was funded by my project during 2011-2015 (having spent the years 2012-2013 mostly on parental leaves / working part-time). Between 2016-2019, I worked as post-doctoral researcher on an Academy of Finland funded project Human-guided data analysis (HGDA) (at Finnish Institute of Occupational Health / Aalto University / University of Helsinki) in Exploratory data analysis research group of Prof. Puolamäki. Starting from February 2020, I am university lecturer at Department of Computer Science at University of Helsinki.

You can find more information about my research interests, list of publications, activities in scientific community, and my teaching on the respective pages.


  • Docent in computer science, University of Helsinki, Jan. 2020
  • D.Sc.(Tech.) with distinction (highest mark, top 15%), Nov. 2008, Helsinki University of Technology (*)
  • Lic.Sc.(Tech.), Nov. 2006, Helsinki University of Technology
  • M.Sc.(Tech.) with distinction, Sep. 2003, Helsinki University of Technology

(*) Helsinki University of Technology became part of Aalto University in 2010


Research funding

Personal grants

  • Grant for doctoral studies, Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion TES, 2008
  • Grant for doctoral studies, Emil Aaltonen Foundation, 2007
  • Grant for doctoral studies, Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion TES, 2006
  • Grant for doctoral studies, Kainuu Foundation of Finnish Cultural Foundation, 2006
  • Grant for doctoral studies, Kainuu Foundation of Finnish Cultural Foundation, 2005
  • Nokia Scholarship, Nokia Foundation, 2004