
Publications and Working papers

Strategic fertility and education choices in deeply divided societies, with B. Chabé-Ferret and D. de la Croix, Journal of the European Economic Association, Forthcoming.

Crime, Broken Families, and Punishment, with T. Verdier and Y. Zenou, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, vol. 14(4), pp.723-60, 2022. 

The Tragedy of the Commons and Socialization: Theory and Policy, with G. Ponthière, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 98, pp. 102-260, 2019.

The Economics of Green Consumption, Cultural Transmission and Sustainable Technological Change. Online Appendix, Journal of Economic Theory, vol 181, pp. 497-546, 2019. 

Cultural Dynamics, Social Mobility and Urban Segregation, with F. Moizeau, Journal of Urban Economics, vol 99, pp 173-187, 2017.

A Cultural Model of Private Provision and the Environment, Online Appendix, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol 71, pp. 109-124, 2015. 

Work in Progess:

Connectedness to nature, urbanization and the environment, with I. Schumacher.

Social identity and the political economy of carbon taxes, with F. Henriet.