
Date/Time: 8th Dec 2018 / 08:45 AM -- 06:30 PM

Morning Session

  • 8:45-9:00: Opening Remarks
  • 9:00-9:30: Invited Talk 1: Luc Steels A Brief History Of Agent-based Models For The Emergence Of Human Language Like Communication Systems
  • 9:30-10:00: Contributed talks 1&2
    • Training an Interactive Helper. Mark Woodward (Google Brain), Chelsea Finn (Google Brain); Karol Hausman
    • Learning When to Communicate at Scale in Multiagent Cooperative and Competitive Tasks. Amanpreet Singh (New York University), Tushar Jain (New York University), Sainbayar Sukhbaatar (NYU)
  • 10:00-10:30: Invited Talk 2: Simon Huttegger The Problem of Dishonest Signaling.
  • 10:30-11:00: Coffee Break
  • 11:00-11:30 Invited Talk 3: He He
  • 11:30-12:40: Spotlight Talks
    • Countering Language Drift via Grounding. Jason Lee (New York University), Kyunghyun Cho (New York University), Douwe Kiela (Facebook AI Research
    • Self-activating Relay Nodes for Emergent Communications. Minhae Kwon (Rice University, Baylor College of Medicine), Juhyeon Lee (LG Electronics), Hyunggon Park (Ewha Womans University)
    • Paying Attention to Function Words. Shane N Steinert-Threlkeld (Institute for Logic, Language and Computation)
    • Seq2Seq Mimic Games: A Signaling Perspective. Juan Leni (University of Strathclyde)
    • Bayesian Action Decoder for Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. Jakob Foerster (University of Oxford), Francis Song (DeepMind), Edward Hughes (Google DeepMind), Neil Burch (DeepMind), Iain Dunning (DeepMind), Shimon Whiteson (University of Oxford), Matthew Botvinick (DeepMind), Michael Bowling (DeepMind)
    • Intrinsic Social Motivation via Causal Influence in Multi-Agent RL. Natasha Jaques (MIT), Angeliki Lazaridou (DeepMind), Edward Hughes (Google DeepMind), Caglar Gulcehre (DeepMind), Pedro Ortega (DeepMind), DJ Strouse (Princeton University), Joel Z Leibo (DeepMind), Nando de Freitas (DeepMind)
    • How not to measure the emergence of communication. Ryan Lowe (McGill); Jakob Foerster (Oxford University), Y-Lan Boureau (Facebook), Joelle Pineau (McGill / Facebook), Yann Dauphin (Facebook)
    • Emergent communication via model-based policy transmission. Erin Grant (University of California, Berkeley), Dylan Hadfield-Menell (University of California, Berkeley), Trevor Darrell (University of California, Berkeley), Thomas L. Griffiths (Princeton University), Igor Mordatch (OpenAI)
    • Incremental Pragmatics and Emergent Communication. Nicholas A Tomlin (Brown University), Ellie Pavlick (Brown University)
    • First steps to understanding how symbolic communication arises. Josefina Correa (MIT), Yen-Ling Kuo (MIT), Boris Katz (MIT), Andrei Barbu (MIT)
    • Selective Emergent Communication With Partially Aligned Agents. Michael Noukhovitch (Mila), Aaron Courville (MILA, Université de Montréal)
    • Emergence of (Grounded) Compositional Language - A (Short) Review. Michael Spranger (Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc.)

12:40-14:45: Poster Session and Lunch

Afternoon Session

  • 14:45-15:15 Contributed talks 3&4
    • Emergence of Communication in an Interactive World with Consistent Speakers. Ben Bogin (Tel-Aviv University), Mor Geva (Tel Aviv University), Jonathan Berant (Tel Aviv University)
    • Easy-to-Teach Language Emergence from Multi-Agent Communication Games. Fushan Li (University of Alberta), Michael Bowling (University of Alberta)
  • 15:15:15:45 Invited Talk 4: Nando de Freitas Learning about the self via multi-agent communication
  • 15:45-16:15 Coffee Break
  • 16:15-16:45 Invited Talk 5: Jeff Clune Can good exploration algorithms help with learning to communicate? Can communication improve exploration?
  • 16:45-17:50 Panel Discussion
  • 17:50-18:00 Closing Remarks