
(If for any reason you cannot retrieve copies of the papers below, please send me an e-mail and I will send a copy to you)

Labor Unions and the Electoral Consequences of Trade Liberalization (with Pedro Ogeda & Rodrigo Soares) - Online Appendix ; Replication files

Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming

The Costs and Benefits of Rules of Origin in Modern Free Trade Agreements (with John L. Turner) - Online Appendix

Journal of International Economics 147, Article 103874, 2024


Sequentially Exporting Products across Countries (with Facundo Albornoz, Hector Calvo-Pardo & Gregory Corcos) - Online Appendix

Journal of International Economics 142, Article 103735, 2023

The trade impact of the Covid-19 pandemic (with Xuepeng Liu & Huimin Shi)

The World Economy 45(12), 3651-3970, 2022

Intra-Bloc Tariffs and Preferential Margins in Trade Agreements (with Patricia Tovar)

Journal of International Economics 138, Article 103643, 2022

Preferential Trade Agreements and Global Sourcing (with John L. Turner and Grant Bickwit)

Journal of International Economics 128, Article 103395, 2021

The Not-so-Generalized Effects of the Generalized System of Preferences (with Marcos Ritel)

The World Economy 43(7), 1809-1840, 2020

Reopening Pandora’s Box in Search of a WTO-Compatible Industrial Policy? The Brazil – Taxation Dispute (with Laura Puccio)

World Trade Review 19(2), 249-266, 2020

The Limits of Political Compromise: Debt Ceilings and Political Turnover (with Alexandre B. Cunha)

Journal of the European Economic Association 16(3), 781–824, 2018. Online Appendix

Special and Differential Treatment for Developing Countries

In K. Bagwell & R. W. Staiger (eds.), Handbook of Commercial Policy, Elsevier/North Holland, Volume 1B, Chapter 7, 369-432, 2016

Institutions and Export Dynamics (with Luis Araujo and Giordano Mion)

Journal of International Economics 98, 2-20, 2016. Online Appendix

Unbundling Ownership and Control (with Daniel Ferreira and John L. Turner)

Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 24(1), 1-21, 2015

Free Trade Agreements and the Consolidation of Democracy (with Xuepeng Liu)

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 6(2), 29–70, 2014. Online Appendix

Sequential Exporting (with Facundo Albornoz, Hector Calvo-Pardo and Gregory Corcos)

Journal of International Economics 88(1), 17-31, 2012. Online Appendix

Protection and International Sourcing (with John L. Turner)

Economic Journal 122(559), 26-63, 2012

The ASEAN Free Trade Agreement: Impact on Trade Flows and External Trade Barriers (with Hector Calvo-Pardo and Caroline Freund)

In Robert J. Barro & Jong-Wha Lee (eds.), Costs and Benefits of Economic Integration in Asia, Oxford University Press, 157-186, 2011

Regional Trade Agreements (with Caroline Freund)

Annual Review of Economics 2, 139-167, 2010

Does Regionalism Affect Trade Liberalization towards Non-Members? (with Caroline Freund and Antoni Estevadeordal)

Quarterly Journal of Economics 123(4), 1531-1575, 2008

Feasible Multilateralism and the Effects of Regionalism

Journal of International Economics 74(1), 202-224, 2008

Trade Liberalization, Outsourcing, and the Hold Up Problem (with John L. Turner)

Journal of International Economics 74(1), 225-241, 2008

Efficient Dissolution of Partnerships and the Structure of Control (with John L. Turner)

Games and Economic Behavior 60(1), 187-199, 2007

Exchanging Market Access at the Outsiders' Expense - the Case of Customs Unions

Canadian Journal of Economics 40(1), 207-224, 2007

Rent Destruction and the Political Viability of Free Trade Agreements

Quarterly Journal of Economics 120(4), 1475-1506, 2005. Online Appendix

Endogenous Free Trade Agreements and the Multilateral Trading System

Journal of International Economics 67(2), 471-497, 2005

Trade Creating Free Trade Areas and the Undermining of Multilateralism

European Economic Review 49(7), 1717-1735, 2005