
Selected publications:

Balduzzi P, E Brancati, M Brianti, and F Schiantarelli (2024). Credit constraints and firms' decisions: Lessons from the COVID-19 outbreak. Journal of Monetary Economics 142, 103519. Link. Online Appendix. 

Balduzzi P, E Brancati, M Brianti, and F Schiantarelli (2023). Political risk, populism, and the economy. The Economic Journal  133(653), 1677-1704. (Lead article) Link. Online Appendix. 

Brancati E and M Macchiavelli (2019). The information sensitivity of debt in good and bad times. Journal of Financial Economics  133(1), 99-112. Link. Online Appendix.

Balduzzi P, E Brancati, and F Schiantarelli (2018). Financial markets, banks' cost of funding, and firms' decisions: lessons from two crises. Journal of Financial Intermediation 36, 1-15. (Lead article) Link. Online Appendix.

Brancati E, R Brancati, and A Maresca (2017). Global value chains, innovation, and performance: Firm-level evidence from the Great Recession. Journal of Economic Geography  17(5), 1039-1073. Link. Online Appendix.

Selected working papers:

Finance and innovation in the production network, joint with R Minetti and S C Zhu. Michigan State University Working Paper 2020-13. Paper. R&R Management Science.

Help in a foreign land: Internationalized banks and firms' export. IZA Working Paper 15458. Paper with Online Appendix.

Global labor market power, joint with F Amodio, P Brummund, N De Roux, and M Di Maio. CEPR Discussion Paper 18828. IZA Discussion Paper 16823. Paper.

The labor market power of exporting firms: Evidence from Latin America, joint with F Amodio, N De Roux, and M Di Maio. IDB Working Paper 1579. Paper

Credit Markets, Corporate Governance and Growth, joint with P Giordani, M Iacopetta, and R Minetti.

Full list of publications