Policy papers

Here you can find the policy reports I prepared (jointly with Massimo Baldini) for the Italian National Commission on Social Exclusion in 2010/11 (available only in Italian):

  • (with M. Baldini) Gli effetti distributivi delle principali riforme del sistema di tax-benefit italiano nel primo anno della XVI legislatura (The effects of 2008-09 Italian welfare system reforms on the income distribution), in Commissione di indagine sull'esclusione sociale, Rapporto sulle politiche contro la povertà e l'esclusione sociale anno 2009 (available also as a CAPP working paper).
  • (with M. Baldini) Diseguaglianza e povertà durante la recessione (Inequality and poverty during the economic crisis), in Commissione di indagine sull'esclusione sociale, Rapporto sulle politiche contro la povertà e l'esclusione sociale anno 2010 (available also as a CAPP working paper).
  • The last report has been revised and updated to more recent data in M. Baldini, E. Ciani, Inequality and poverty during the recession in Italy, Politica Economica, a. XXVII, n.3, dicembre 2011. Following the 2010 report for the national commission, we also prepared a brief report restricted to the Province of Modena, which was used for a conference organized by Confesercenti (a business association) and by the local town hall.

In 2011 I also worked as a research assistant for the update of the dynamic microsimulation model CAPP_DYN, in a project supported by the European Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity – PROGRESS (2007-2013). These are the reports related to my contribution:

From 2011 until 2013 I worked with a research group (sponsored by ACLI - the Italian Association of Christian Workers - and CARITAS) proposing a reform of the Italian welfare state and the introduction of a minimum income scheme:

  • (with C. Gori, M. Baldini, P. Pezzana, S. Sacchi, P. Spano, U. Trivellato) Per un piano nazionale contro la povertà (For a national action plan against poverty), Carocci Editore, Roma, 2011 (see Cristiano's comment on La Voce).
  • (with C. Gori, M. Baldini, A. Martini, D. Mesini, M. Motta, P. Pezzana, S. Pellegrino, S. Sacchi, M. Sala, P. Spano, S. Toso, U. Trivellato) Reddito d'Inclusione Sociale, Proposta per un patto aperto contro la povertà.