
1. Friday, April 24th, 2015: Thanks for Konstantinos Matzaras's visiting and give us a very fantastic seminar!

2. Saturday, April 25th, 2015: Hiking in Pegnitz (10:00-16:00, 16.5 km, average >3km/h)!

3. Saturday, July 11th, 2015: Kendo Group Dinner (with Chinese foods). Thanks for our group members!

4. Friday, December 18th, 2015: Christmas Dinner in Quetschn.

5. Monday, December 21st. Group Kino Time (Star War)!

6. Saturday-Sunday, June 11-12th, 2016: Building Bridges 4.0 Kendo Training with Konstantinos Matzaras.

7. Friday, November 11th, 2016: Group Dinner. Welcome back!

8. Sunday, December 18th, 2016: Christmas Party! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, my friends!

9. Saturday, May 13th 2017: Went hiking around Bayreuth with beautiful sunshine, and enjoyed an awesome classical music concert at night. Thanks for your company!

10. Monday, May 29th 2017. After having dinner at L'Osteria, we went for a walk in Hofgarten. Great thanks for your company!

11. August 5th 2017, Saturday. Farewell party. BBQ at Stefan's place with a little bit rain shower. All of us had fun and enjoyed this evening. Thanks for all your participation! (I forgot to take a picture for the whole group :p )

12. August 12th 2017, Friday. My last training in Bayreuth. Good bye, Kendo Bayreuth!