
Hello, my name is Huimin Dong, and I am currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Logic and Computation within the Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien, working in Prof. Agata Ciabattoni's Theory and Logic research group. 

I am a logician whose research focuses on AI Ethics and Law. I specialise in developing and applying logical methods to model ethical concepts in reasoning, such as permission, obligation, legal rights, and justice. My work uses logic and argumentation as formal tools to build models for interaction between social agents and evaluations of their ethical behaviours

Before TU Wien, I worked at  the University of Luxembourg (PostDoc), Sun Yat-sen University (Assistant Professor), and Zhejiang University (Postdoc). I obtained my PhD in Philosophy from the University of Bayreuth under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Olivier Roy. My doctoral thesis is titled “Permission in Non-Monotonic Normative Reasoning.” 

Current research interests:

Mailing Address: 

Institute of Logic and Computation

TU Wien

Favoritenstrasse 9-11

A-1040 Wien, Austria

Office: HC-0308

Tel: +43 1 58801 18542 

Email: donghm.logic (at) gmail (dot) com

ORCID: 0000-0002-4951-0111