

  • Eda Kirimli (March 2021 - ?? ). Co-advised with Chloe Martindale (University of Bristol).


  • A. Jaquet-Chiffelle: Calcul explicit de points de Weiertrass, Neuchâtel, 2022.

  • J. Cordova: Introducion à la géométrie tropicale, Neuchâtel, 2022.

  • T. Senovilla: SQI(L)RSign: a (linkable) ring signature scheme, Rennes, 2021.

  • S. Staderini: Is it possible to give trust to Bitcoin?, Neuchâtel, 2021.

  • F. Lopinat: Algèbre tropicale et applications ferroviaires, Neuchâtel, 2021.

  • H. Favereau: Reduction type of hyperelliptic curves, Rennes, 2019.

  • V. Lagrandmaison: On singular moduli of Picard curves, Rennes, 2019.

  • M. Alaeddine: Codes algébriques et des exemples concrets, Rennes, 2019.

  • M. Vullers: Twists of the Klein quartic and counterexamples to the Hasse Principle, Leiden, 2019.

  • A. Bakas: Endomorphisms and Isogeny graphs of elliptic curves, Rennes, 2018.

  • V. Beraud: Courbes elliptiques et théorie des corps de classes, Rennes, 2018.