Selected videography

lo specchio orientato (2018)

ossatura (2016)

aexion (2015)

muliebrem ad ornatum mundum (2014) 

storage (2014)

spin (2014)

come oggetto (for Marco Giovenale - (2014)

life forms (2014)

That is quite a different matter (2014)

over-step (2013)

create metaphors (2012)

that are raising dingy shades (2010)


zeit (2010)


inexplicable (2010)


short story (2009)


to extend the visibility (Recommended Records, 2009)


balanced - dedicated to Maria Zambrano (2008)


Passing cloud (2008)


naturalis electronica (2006)


compensazioni - with ester curcio and vittorino curci (2006)


reiecta (2005)


aesthetics of the machine (2005)


red kodiak (2004)


stolen moments - with mike cooper (2004)