

Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2022 22st International Conference, Málaga, July 4-7, Proceedings, Part I, LNCS 13375, O. Gervasi, et al. (Eds), ISBN 978-3-031-10521-0

Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2022 22st International Conference, Málaga, July 4-7, Proceedings, Part II, LNCS 13376, O. Gervasi, et al. (Eds), ISBN 978-3-031-10449-7

Hendrix, E.M.T. and Casado, L.G.  (2020), Special issue Europt 2018, Journal of Global Optimization, 77, 1, 1-2

Casado, L.G. and Hendrix, E.M.T.  (2016), Special issue MAGO 2014, Journal of Global Optimization, 64, 2, 197-198

Casado, L.G., Garcí­a, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T.  (2014), Proceedings of the XII Global Optimization Workshop, MAGO 2014, Málaga, Universidad de Almerí­a, Almerí­a, ISBN 978-84-16027-57-6, 164 p

Ali, M.M. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2011), Special issue SAGO08, Journal of Global Optimization, 50, 4, 555-556

Hendrix, E.M.T. and Tóth, B.G.- (2010), Introduction to Nonlinear and Global Optimization, Springer, New York, ISBN 978-0-387-88669-5, 208 p

Cafieri, S. G.-Tóth, B.G.-, Hendrix, E.M.T., Liberti, L. and Messine F. (2010), Proceedings of the Toulouse Global Optimization Workshop, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, 174 p

Ali, M.M., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Adewumi, A.O. (2008), Book of Abstracts International Workshop on Stochastic and Applied Global Optimization (sago08), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Garcí­a, I., and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2007), Special issue Go05, Journal of Global Optimization, 38

Claassen, G.D.H., Hendriks, T.H.B. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2007), Decision Science; Theory and applications, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, ISBN 978-90-8686-001-2, 474 p

Garcí­a, I., Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Tóth, B. (2005), Proceedings of the workshop on Global Optimization, Universidad de Almerí­a, Almerí­a, 271 p

Hendrix, E.M.T. (1998), Global Optimization at Work, PhD thesis, Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen, ISBN: 90-5485-874-5, 248 p

Papers published in international journals

Tóth, B.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. , Casado, L.G and  Messine, F. (2024), On dealing with minima at the border of a simplicial feasible area in simplicial Branch and Bound , to appear in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications

Wu, O., Muts, P., Nowak, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2024), On the use of overlapping convex hull relaxations to solve nonconvex MINLPs,to appear in Journal of Global Optimization

Aziz, V., Nowak, I., Wu, O., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Kronqvist, J. (2024), On Optimizing Ensemble Models using Column Generation , to appear in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 

Casado, L.G, Tóth, B.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and  Messine, F. (2023), Local Search vs Linear Programming to detect monotonicity in simplicial Branch and Bound, to appear in Journal of Global Optimization, doi: 10.1007/s10898-023-01310-y 

Hendrix, E.M.T. , Pauls-Worm, K.G.J. and de Jong M.V. (2023), On order policies for a perishable product in retail , Informatica, 34, 12, 271-283 

Muts, P., Bruche, S., Nowak, I., Wu, O., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Tsatsaronis G. (2023), A Column Generation Algorithm for Solving Energy System Planning Problems, Optimization and Engineering 24, 317-351 

Guerrero-García, P. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2023), Experiments with Active-Set LP Algorithms Allowing Basis Deficiency, Computers 12, 3, 1-23

Tóth, B.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Casado, L.G  (2022), On monotonicity and search strategies in face based copositivity detection algorithms, Central European Journal of Operations Research, 30, 1071-1092

Paoletti, M.E., Haut, J.M., Alipour-Fard, T., Roy, S.K., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Plaza A. (2021), Separable Attention Network in Single&Mixed precision Floating-point for Land-cover Classification of Remote Sensing Images , IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 19, 2501605  

Hendrix, E.M.T., Tóth, B.G-., Messine, F.  and Casado, L.G (2021), On derivative based bounding for simplicial branch and bound, RAIRO -Operations Research, 55, 3, 2023-2034

Tóth, B.G-., Casado, L.G, Hendrix, E.M.T. and Messine, F. (2021), On new methods to construct lower bounds in simplicial Branch and Bound based on Interval Arithmetic, Journal of Global Optimization, 80, 4, 779-804  

Rizki, Z.,  Janssen, A.E.M.,  Hendrix, E.M.T.,  van  der  Padt, A., Boom, R.M. and Claassen, G.D.H. (2021), Design optimization of a 3-stage membrane cascade for oligosaccharides purification using mixed integer non-linear programming, Chemical  Engineering  Science,  231, 116275

Muts, P., Nowak, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T.  (2021), On decomposition and multiobjective-based column and disjunctive cut generation for MINLP, Optimization and Engineering, 22, 1389-1418

Paoletti, M.E., Haut, J.M., Roy, S.K. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2020), Rotation Equivariant Convolutional Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification, IEEE Access, 8, 179575-179591

Buisman, M.E., Haijema, R. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2020), Retailer replenishment policies with one-way consumer-based substitution to increase profit and reduce food waste,  Logistics Research, 13, 7

Muts, P., Nowak, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T.  (2020), The Decomposition-based Outer Approximation Algorithm for convex mixed-integer nonlinear programming, Journal of Global Optimization, 77, 1, 75-96

Alcoba, A.G., Hendrix, E.M.T., Ortega, G., Halvorsen-Waere, E.E. and Haugland, D. (2019), On offshore wind farm maintenance scheduling for decision support on vessel fleet composition, European Journal of Operational Research, 279, 124-131

Hendrix, E.M.T., Ortega, G., Haijema, R., Buisman, M. and Garcia, I. (2019), On computing optimal policies in Perishable Inventory Control using Value Iteration, Computational and Mathematical Methods, 1, 4, 1-12

Ortega, G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Garcia, I. (2019),  A CUDA approach to compute perishable inventory control policies using value iteration, Journal of Supercomputing, 75, 3, 1580–1593

Nowak, I., Breitfeld, N., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Njacheun-Njanzoua, G. (2018),  Decomposition-based Inner- and Outer-Refinement Algorithms for Global Optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, 72, 2, 305-321

Beemsterboer, D.J.C, Hendrix, E.M.T. and Claassen, G.D.H. (2018), On solving the Best-Worst Method in multi-criteria decision-making, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51, 11, 1660-1665

Buisman, M., Haijema, R. and Hendrix, E.M.T (2018), On the delta service level for demand substitution in inventory control, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51, 11, 963-967 

Aparicio, G., Salmerón, J.M.G., Casado, L.G., Asenjo R. and  Hendrix, E.M.T. (2018), Parallel algorithms for computing the size of the smallest binary tree in refinement of the unit simplex, Journal  of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 112, 2, 166-178

van der Pol, T., Gabbert, S., Weikard, H.P., van Ierland, E.C. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2017), A minimax regret analysis of flood risk management strategies under climate change uncertainty with emerging information on peak flows, Environmental and Resource Economics, 68, 4, 1087-1109

Herrera, J.F.R., Salmerón, J.M.G., Hendrix, E.M.T., Asenjo, R. and Casado, L.G. (2017), On parallel branch and bound frameworks for global optimization, Journal of Global Optimization,69, 547-560

van Dijk, D., Hendrix, E.M.T., Haijema, R., Groeneveld, R.A. and van Ierland, E. (2017), An adjustment restriction on fish quota: resource rents, overcapacity and recovery of fish stock, Environmental and Resource Economics, 67, 2, 203-230

Alcoba, A.G., Ortega, G., Hendrix, E.M.T., Halvorsen-Waere, E.E. and Haugland, D. (2017), A model for optimal fleet composition of vessels for offshore wind farm maintenance, Procedia Computer Science, 108, 1512-1521

Alcoba, A.G., Rossi, R., Martin-Barragan, B. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2017), A simple heuristic for perishable inventory control under non-stationary stochastic demandInternational Journal of Production Research, 55, 7, 1885-1897

Salmerón, J.M.G., Aparicio, G., Casado, L.G., García, I., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Tóth, B.G.(2017), Generating a smallest binary tree by proper selection of the longest edges to bisect in a unit simplex refinement, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 33, 389-402

Alcoba, A.G., Ortega, G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and García, I. (2017), Accelerating an algorithm for perishable inventory control on heterogeneous platforms, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 104, 12-18

Pauls-Worm, K.G.J., Hendrix, E.M.T., Alcoba, A.G. and Haijema, R. (2016), Order quantities for a perishable product with non-stationary demand and a fill rate constraint, International Journal of Production Economics, 181, 238-246

Hendrix, E.M.T.  (2016), On competition in a Stackelberg location-design model with deterministic supplier choice, Annals of OR, 246, 1, 19-30

Haugland, D. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2016), Pooling problems with polynomial time algorithms, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 170, 591-615

Claassen, G.D.H., Gerdessen, J.C., Hendrix, E.M.T. and van der Vorst, J.G.A.J. (2016), On production planning and scheduling in food processing industry: modelling non-triangular setups and product decay, Computers and Operations Research, 76, 147-154

van Dijk, D. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2016), Pipe replacement in a water supply network: coordinated versus uncoordinated replacement and budget effects, Informatica, 27, 2, 387-403

Rijpkema, W.A., Hendrix, E.M.T., Rossi, R. and van der Vorst,  J.G.A.J.  (2016), Application of stochastic programming to reduce uncertainties in quality-based supply planning of slaughterhouses, Annals of OR, 239, 2, 613-624

Salmerón, J.M.G., Casado, L.G. and  Hendrix, E.M.T. (2016), On bisecting the unit simplex using various distance norms, Informatica, 27, 2, 351-366

Tóth, B.G., Hendrix, E.M.T., Casado, L.G. and García, I.,  (2016), On refinement of the unit simplex using regular simplices, Journal of Global Optimization, 64,2,305-323

Hendrix, E.M.T. and Lančinskas, A. (2015), On benchmarking Stochastic Global Optimization Algorithms, Informatica, 26, 4, 649-662

Rijpkema, W.A., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Rossi, R. (2015), Bi-criterion procedures to support logistics decision making: cost and uncertainty, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66, 12, 2086-2091

Linneman, A.R., Hendrix, E.M.T., Apaiah, K.R. and van Boekel, M.A.J.S. (2015), Food chain design using multi criteria decision making, an approach to complex design issues, NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 72-73, 13-21

Ortigosa, P.M., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Redondo, J.L. (2015), On heuristic bi-criterion methods for semi-obnoxious facility location, Computational Optimization and Applications, 61, 205-217 

Aparicio, G., Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T., Tóth, B.G-. and García, I. (2015), On the minimum number of simplex shapes in longest edge bisection refinement of a regular n-simplex, Informatica, 26, 17-32

van der Pol, T.D., van Ierland, E.C., Gabbert, S., Weikard, H.P. and Hendrix, E.M.T.  (2015), Impacts of Rainfall Variability and Expected Rainfall Changes on Cost-Effective Adaptation of Water Systems to Climate Change, Journal of Environmental Management, 154, 40-47

Haijema, R. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2014), Traffic responsive control of intersections with predicted arrival times: a Markovian approach, Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 29, 123-139

van Dijk, D., Hendrix, E.M.T., Haijema, R., Groeneveld, R.A. and van Ierland , E.C. (2014), On solving a bi-level stochastic dynamic programming algorithm for analyzing fisheries policies: fishermen behavior and optimal fish quota, Ecological Modelling, 272, 68-75

Herrera, J.F., Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and García, I.  (2014), Pareto optimality and robustness in bi-blending problems,  TOP, 22,1, 254-273

Pauls-Worm, K.G.J., Hendrix, E.M.T., Haijema, R. and van der Vorst,  J.G.A.J.  (2014), An MILP approximation for ordering perishable products with nonstationary demand and service level constraints, International Journal of Production Economics, 157, 133-146

Hendrix, E.M.T., García, I., Plaza, J. and Plaza, A. (2013), On the minimum volume simplex enclosure problem for estimating a linear mixing model, Journal of Global Optimization, 56, 3, 957-970

van Dijk, D., Haijema, R., Hendrix, E.M.T.,  Groeneveld, R.A. and van Ierland, E.C. (2013), Fluctuating quota and management costs under multiannual adjustment of fish quota, Ecological Modelling, 265, 230-238

Hendrix E.M.T., de Ridder A., Rusinowska, A. and Sáiz, M.E. (2013), Coalition formation: the role of procedure and policy flexibility, Group Decision and Negotiation, 22, 3, 407-427

Fernández, J. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2013), Recent insights in Huff-like competitive location-design,  European Journal of Operational Research, 227, 3, 581-584

Berenguel, J.L., Casado, L.G., Garcí­a, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2013), On estimating workload in interval branch-and-bound global optimization algorithms, Journal of Global Optimization, 56, 3, 821-844

Herrera, J.F., Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Garcí­a, I. (2013), A threaded approach of the quadratic bi-blending algorithm, Journal of Supercomputing, 64,1, 38-48

Berenguel, J.L. Casado, L.G., Garcí­a, I., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Messine F. (2013), On interval Branch-and-Bound for additively separable functions with common variables, Journal of Global Optimization, 56, 3, 1101-1121

Plaza, J., Hendrix, E.M.T., Garcia, I., Martí­n, G. and Plaza, A. (2012), On Endmember Identification in Hyperspectral Images Dominated by Mixed Pixels: A Comparison of Algorithms, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 42, 163-175 

Hendrix, E.M.T., García, I., Plaza, J., Martí­n, G. and Plaza, A. (2012), A New Minimum Volume Enclosing Algorithm for Endmember Identification and Abundance Estimation in Hyperspectral DataIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50,7, 2744-2757

Blanquero, R., Carrizosa, E. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2011), Locating a competitive facility in the plane with a robustness criterionEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 215, 21-24

Sáiz, M.E. , Hendrix, E.M.T. and Pelegrí­n B. (2011), On Nash equilibria of a competitive location problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 210, 588-593

Casado, L.G., García, I., Tóth, B.G. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2011), On determining the cover of a simplex by spheres centered at its vertices, Journal of Global Optimization, 50, 4, 645-655

Roebeling, P. Hendrix, E.M.T. (2010), Land speculation and interest rate subsidies as a cause of deforestation: The role of cattle ranching in Costa Rica, Land Use Policy, 27, 2, 489-496

Sáiz, M.E., Hendrix, E.M.T. , Fernández, J. and Pelegrí­n, B. (2009), On a Branch-and-Bound approach for a Huff-like Stackelberg location problem, OR Spectrum, 31, 679-705

Roebeling, P. , Hendrix, E.M.T. and van Grieken M.E (2009), Exploring industry specific social welfare maximizing rates of water pollution abatement in linked terrestrial and marine ecosystems, Journal of Coastal Research, SI56, 1681-1685

Finus, M., Sáiz, M.E.and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2009), An Empirical Test of New Developments in Coalition Theory for the Design of International Environmental Agreements, Environmental & Resource Economics, 14, 1, 117-137

Hendrix, E.M.T. and Olieman, N.J. (2008), The Smoothed Monte Carlo Method in Robustness Optimisation, Optimization Methods and Software, 23, 5, 717-729

Hendrix, E.M.T., Casado L.G. and Garcí­a I. (2008), The semi-continous quadratic mixture design problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 191, 3, 803-815

Sáiz, M.E. and Hendrix E.M.T. (2008), Methods for computing Nash equilibria of a location-quantity game, Computers and Operations Research, 35, 10, 3311-3330

Casado L.G., Martinez, J.A., García I. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2008), Branch-and-Bound interval global optimization on shared memory multiprocessors, Optimization Methods and Software, 23, 5, 689-701

Casado L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Garcí­a I. (2007), Infeasibility spheres for finding robust solutions of blending problems with quadratic constraints, Journal of Global Optimization, 39, 4, 557-593

Sáiz, M.E., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Olieman N.O. (2006), On the computation of stability in multiple coalition formation games, Computational Economics, 28, 251-275

Olieman, N.J. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2006), Stability likelihood of coalitions in a two-stage cartel game: An estimation method, European Journal of Operational Research, 174, 333-348

Apaiah, R.K., Hendrix, E.M.T., Meerdink, G. and Linnemann, A. R. (2005), Qualitative methodology for efficient food chain design, Trends in Food Science and Technology, 16, 5, 204-214

Baritompa, W.P., Dür, M., Hendrix, E.M.T., Noakes, L., Pullan, W.J. and Wood, G.R. (2005), Matching Stochastic Algorithms to Objective Function Landscapes, Journal of Global Optimization, 31, 579-598

Apaiah, R.K. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2005), Design of a supply chain network for pea-based novel protein foods, Journal of Food Engineering, 70, 3, 383-391

Baritompa, W.P. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2005), On the Investigation of Stochastic Global Optimization Algorithms, Journal of Global Optimization, 31, 567-578

Pennings, J.M.E., Garcí­a, P. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2005), Towards a Theory of Revealed Economic Behavior: The Economic-Neurosciences Interface, Journal of Bioeconomics, 7, 113-127

Gigler, J.K., Hendrix, E.M.T., Heesen, R.A., van den Hazelkamp, V.G.W. and Meerdink, G. (2002), On optimization of agricultural supply chains by dynamic programming, European Journal of Operational Research, 139, 613-625

Makowski, D., Hendrix, E.M.T., van Ittersum, M.K. and Rossing, W.A.H. (2001), Generation and presentation of nearly optimal solutions for mixed integer linear programming, applied to a case in farming system design, European Journal of Operational Research, 132, 182-195

Hendrix, E.M.T., Ortigosa, P.M. and Garcí­a, I. (2001), On success rates for controlled random search, Journal of Global Optimization, 21, 239-263

Hendrix, E.M.T. and Klepper, O. (2000), On uniform covering, adaptive random search and raspberries, Journal of Global Optimization, 18, 143-163

Boer, E.P.J., and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2000), Global Optimization problems in Optimal Design of Experiments, Journal of Global Optimization, 18, 385-398

Makowski, D., Hendrix, E.M.T., van Ittersum, M.K. and Rossing, W.A.H. (2000), A framework to study nearly optimal solutions of linear programming models developed for agricultural land use exploration, Ecological Modelling, 131, 65-77

Kruitwagen, S., Folmer, H., Hendrix, E.M.T., Hordijk, L. and van Ierland E.C. (2000), Trading sulphur emissions in Europe: Guided Bilateral Trade, Environmental and Resource Economics, 16, 423-441

de Buck, A.J., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Schoorlemmer, H.B. (1999), Analyzing production risks in sustainable arable farming techniques: a mathematical approach, European Journal of Operational Research, 119, 416 - 426

Gigler, J.K., Meerdink, G. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (1999), Willow supply strategies to energy plants, Biomass and Bioenergy, 17, 185-198

Rasch, D.A.M.K., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Boer, E.P.J. (1997), Replication-free optimal designs in regression analysis, Computational Statistics, 12, 19-52

Blank de, H., Hendrix, E.M.T., Litjens, M.A. and van Maaren, J. (1997), On-line control and optimisation of the pelleting process of animal feed, Journal Of The Science Of Food And Agriculture, 74, 13-19

Hendrix, E.M.T., Mecking, C.J. and Hendriks, Th.H.B. (1996), Finding robust solutions for product design problems, European Journal of Operational Research, 92, 28-36

Hendrix, E.M.T. and Roosma, J. (1996), Global optimization with a limited solution time, Journal of Global Optimization, 8, 413-427

Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J.M. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (1996), Generalized bilinear programming: an application in farm management, European Journal of Operational Research, 90, 102-114

Klepper, O. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (1994),  A method for the robust calibration of ecological models under different types of uncertainty, Ecological Modelling, 74, 161-182

Klepper, O. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (1994),  A comparison of algorithms for global charaterizations of confidence regions in nonlinear models, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 13, 1887-1899

Rossing W.A.H., Daamen, R.A. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (1994), A framework to support decisions on chemical pest control under uncertainty applied to aphids and brown rust in winter wheat, Crop Protection, 13, 25-34

Hendrix, E.M.T. and Pintér, J.D. (1991), An application of Lipchitzian global optimization to product design, Journal of Global Optimization, 1, 389-401

Papers submitted to international journals

Tóth, B.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. , Casado, L.G and  Messine, F. (2023), On dealing with minima at the border of a simplicial feasible area in simplicial Branch and Bound , submitted to Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications

Contributions to books

Hendrix, E.M.T., Paoletti, M. and Haut, J.M. (2022), On Training Set Selection in Spatial Deep Learning,  in: High-Dimensional Optimization and Probability, eds. A. Nikeghbali et al., Springer, Cham, ISBN 978-3-031-00831-3, 327-339

Nowak, I., Muts, P. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2019), Multi-Tree Decomposition Methods for Large-Scale Mixed Integer Nonlinear Optimization, in: Large Scale Optimization in Supply Chains and Smart Manufacturing, 27-59, eds. J.M. Velásquez-Bermúdez, M. Khakifirooz and M. Fathi, Springer, Cham, ISBN 978-3-030-22787-6, 27-58

Haijema, R., Hendrix, E.M.T. and van der Wal, J. (2017), Dynamic control of traffic lights, in: Markov decision processes in practice, 391-407, eds. R. Boucherie and N. van Dijk, Springer, New York, ISBN 978-3-319-47766-4

Hendrix, E.M.T., Haijema, R. and van Dijk, D. (2017), Optimal fisheries policies, in: Markov decision processes in practice, 447-461, eds. R. Boucherie and N. van Dijk, Springer, New York, ISBN 978-3-319-47766-4

Vlajic, J.V., van der Vorst, J.G.A.J. and Hendrix, E.M.T., (2010), On robustness in food supply chain networks, pp. 63 - 82, in: Towards effective food chains, 63-82, eds: J. Trienekens, J. Top, J.G.A.J. van der Vorst and A.M. Beulens, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, ISBN 978-90-8686-148-4

Hendrix, E.M.T. (2007), On the Goodness of Global Optimisation Algorithms, an introduction into investigating algorithms, in: Models and Algorithms for Global Optimization, 225-248, eds. A.Törn and J. Zilinskas, Springer, New York, ISBN 978-0-387-36720-0

Hendrix, E.M.T. (2007), Nonlinear Programming, in: Decision Science; Theory and Applications, 285-339, eds. G.D.H. Claassen, T.H.B. Hendriks and E.M.T. Hendrix, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, ISBN 978-90-8686-001-2

Hendrix, E.M.T., Ortigosa, P.M. and García, I. (2002), On the efficiency and effectiveness of Controlled Random Search, in: Stochastic and Global Optimization, 129-148, eds. G.Dzemyda, V.Saltenis and A. Zilinskas, Kluwer, Dordrecht, ISBN 1-4020-0484-2

Poot, E.H. and H­endrix, E.M.T. (1996) A chain model for potted plants, in OR at Work, 235-249, eds. L.Fortuin, P.van Beek and L. Van Wassenhove, Taylor & Francis, London, ISBN 0-7484-0456-2

Kruitwagen, S., Hendrix, E.M.T. and van Ierland, E.C. (1994), Tradeable SO2 Permits: guided bilateral trade in Europe, in International Environmental Economics, 333-350, editor E.C. van Ierland, Elsevier, Amsterdam

Hendrix E.M.T. (1991), Nonlinear Programming, in Optimization Techniques (in Dutch), 247-322, Th.H.B. Hendriks and P. van Beek, Bohn Staflue Van Loghum, Houten

Refereed papers in books and proceedings of international conferences

Hendrix, E.M.T. (2023), On Computational Challenges in Value Iteration for Inventory Control, 14th conference on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems  DAMSS, 30 November -2 December, Druskininkai 

Hendrix, E.M.T., Tóth, B.G-., Casado, L.G. and Messine, F. (2023), On monotonicity in simplicial branch and bound, Europt 2023, August 23-25, Budapest

Guerrero-García, P., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Rocha, A.M.A.C. (2023), On Augmented Lagrangeans in phase I, Optimization 2023, 24-26 July, Aveiro

Hendrix, E.M.T., Guerrero-García, P. and Rocha A.M.A.C. (2023), Markovian view on population based stochastic GO algorithms, Optimization 2023, 24-26 July, Aveiro

Aziz, V., Nowak, I., Wu, O., Kronqvist, J. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2023), Latent Space Boosting, International Conference in Optimization and Learning, OLA2023, 3-5 May, Málaga

Hendrix, E.M.T., Nowak, I. and Wu, O. (2023), Using the resource constraint formulation and decomposition to solve MINLP problems, Third Sevilla MINLP Workshop, 3SMINLP, 30-31 March, Sevilla 

Hendrix, E.M.T. (2022), On Global Optimization and Machine Learning, 13th conference on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems  DAMSS, 1-3 December, Druskininkai 

Nowak, I., Wu, O., Aziz, V., Muts, P. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2022), Inner Approximation Methods for Optimization and Learning , B. G-Tóth and T. Csendes (Eds.): Hungarian Global Optimizaton Workshop HUGO 2022, September 6-8 2022. Szeged

Hendrix, E.M.T., Garcia, I., Guerrero-Garcia, P. and Rocha, A.M.A. (2022), A Markovian view on Controlled Random Search, B. G-Tóth and T. Csendes (Eds.): Hungarian Global Optimizaton Workshop HUGO 2022, September 6-8 2022. Szeged

Tóth, B.G-., Hendrix, E.M.T., Messine, F. and Casado, L.G (2022), Monotonic Directional Derivatives in Simplicial Branch and Bound, B. G-Tóth and T. Csendes (Eds.): Hungarian Global Optimizaton Workshop HUGO 2022, September 6-8 2022. Szeged

Hendrix, E.M.T., Tóth, B.G-., Casado, L.G and Messine, F. (2022), The face graph in simplicial branch and bound, Europt 2022. July 29-30. Caparica

Tóth, B.G-., Hendrix, E.M.T., Casado, L.G and Messine, F. (2022), Monotone directions by Linear Programming in simplicial B&B, Europt 2022. July 29-30. Caparica

Casado, L.G, Tóth, B.G-., Messine, F. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2022), Heuristic directional derivatives in simplicial branch and bound, Europt 2022. July 29-30. Caparica

Casado, L.G., G.-Tóth, B., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Messine, F. (2022), On Monotonicity Detection in Simplicial Branch and Bound over a Simplex, O. Gervasi et al. (Eds.): ICCSA Málaga, July 4-7 2022, LNCS 13378 , Springer, Cham, pp. 113-126, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-10562-3_9

Guerrero-García, P. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2022), On Active-Set LP Algorithms Allowing Basis Deficiency, O. Gervasi et al. (Eds.): ICCSA Málaga, July 4-7 2022, LNCS 13378 , Springer, Cham, pp. 174-187, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-10562-3_13 

Goedhart, J. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2022), On computational procedures for optimising an omni-channel inventory control model , O. Gervasi et al. (Eds.): ICCSA Málaga, July 4-7 2022, LNCS 13378 , Springer, Cham, pp. 456-472, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-10562-3_3 

Castro, F.M., Constantinescu, D., Corbera Peña, F., González Navarro, S., González Peñalver, M., Hendrix, E.M.T., Hormigo Aguilar, J., Ramos Cózar, J. and Rodríguez Moreno, A., Introduce metodologías activas en tu clase, indispensable en tiempos de pandemia, actas de Jornadas Sarteco, Málaga 23-26 September 2021

Hendrix, E.M.T. and Rocha, A.M.A.C. (2021), On Local Convergence of Stochastic Global Optimization Algorithms, O. Gervasi et al. (Eds.): ICCSA Cagliari, Sept. 13-16 2021, LNCS 12953, Springer, Cham, pp. 456-472, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-86976-2_31

Roy, S.K., Paoletti, M.E., Haut, J.M., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Plaza, A. (2021), A New Max-Min Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, 11th Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), doi: 10.1109/WHISPERS52202.2021.9483983   

Muts, P., Nowak, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2020),  A Resource Constraint Approach for One Global Constraint MINLP., O. Gervasi et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2020, LNCS 12251, Springer, Cham, pp. 590-605, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-58808-3_43

Hendrix, E.M.T., Kortenhorst, C. and Ortega G. (2019), On computational procedures for Value Iteration in inventory control, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52, 13, 1484-1489

Hendrix, E.M.T., Casado, L.G.  and G-Tóth, B. (2019), Copositividad de una matriz: retos computacionales, Actas de las Jornadas SARTECO 2019,  ISBN:978-84-09-12127-4, Cáceres, pp. 45-50

Hendrix, E.M.T., Rocha, A.M.A.C. Rocha and García, I. (2019), On Trajectory Optimization of an Electric Vehicle, S. Misra et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2019, LNCS 11621, Springer, Cham, pp. 249-260, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-24302-9_18

Hendrix, E.M.T. and Garcia, I. (2019), On computational Dynamic Programming for minimizing energy in an electric vehicle, M. Baldomero-Naranjo et al. (Eds): IX International Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems, ISBN: 978-84-09-07742-7, Cádiz, pp. 69-70

Hendrix, E.M.T., Salmerón and J.M.G., Casado  (2019), On function monotonicity in simplicial branch and bound, GOW 2018, Leiden

Salmerón, J.M.G., Casado, L.G. and  Hendrix, E.M.T. (2019), On regular simplex division in copositivity detection, GOW 2018, Leiden

Hendrix, E.M.T., Ortega, G. and Garcia, I. (2018), Computacíon óptima en el control de inventarios de productos perecederos basada en Value Iteration, Jornadas Sarteco, Teruel

Salmerón, J.M.G., Casado, L.G. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2018), Paralelizacíon de la deteccíon de una matriz copositiva mediante la evaluacíon de las facetas de un simplex unidad, Jornadas Sarteco, Teruel

Hendrix, E.M.T., Ortega, G., Haijema, R., Buisman, M. and Garcia, I. (2018), On computing optimal policies in Perishable Inventory Control using Value Iteration, CMMSE 2018, ISBN: 978-84-697-7861-6, Rota, pp. 1-8

Alcoba, A.G., Ortega, G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Garcia, I. (2018), Modelling vessel fleet composition for maintenance operations at offshore wind farms, ECOS 2018, Guimaraes, pp. 1-10

Alcoba,A.G., Hendrix, E.M.T., Ortega, G., Haugland, D. and Halvorsen-Waere, E.E. (2017), On location and vessel fleet composition for offshore wind farm maintenance, M. Baldomero-Naranjo et al. (Eds): VIII International workshop on locational analysis and related problems, ISBN: 978-84-697-5263-0, Segovia, pp. 39-40

Hendrix, E.M.T, Alcoba, A.G., Garcia, I., Haugland, D., Halvorsen-Waere, E.E. and Ortega, G. (2017), On generating a fleet composition for offshore wind farm maintenance operations, N. Kliewer et al. (Eds): OR2017, Berlin, pp. 69

Salmerón,J.M.G., Moreno, J.J., Casado, L.G. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2017), Tamaño del árbol mínimo en el refinamiento de un simplex regular sobre arquitecturas MIC, R. Asenjo et al. (Eds), Jornadas Sarteco, ISBN:978-84-697-4835-0, Málaga, pp. 199-204

Asenjo, R., Corbera, F., Navarro, M.A., Rodríguez, A., González, S., Villalba, J. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2017), Motivando al alumno de ingeniería mediante la plataforma Raspberry Pi, R. Asenjo et al. (Eds), Jornadas Sarteco, ISBN: 978-84-697-4835-0, Málaga, pp. 313-320

Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T., Salmerón, J.M.G., Tóth, B.G. and García, I. (2017), On grid aware refinement of the unit hypercube and simplex: Focus on the complete tree size, O. Gervasi et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2017, LNCS 10406, Springer, Cham, pp. 165-180, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-62398-6_12

Hendrix, E.M.T. and Orthodoxou, D.  (2016), Routing-location in wind farm design, in XXIII EURO working group on Locational analysis, eds. Domínguez, E., Málaga

Casado, L.G., Salmerón, J.M.G., Tóth, B.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and García, I.  (2016), On Regular Refinement of the Unit Simplex by just Visiting Grid Points, in Proceedings of the XIII Global Optimization Workshop, eds. Rocha, A.M.A.C., Costa, M.F.P. and Fernandes, E.M.F.P., ISBN: 978-989-20-6764-3, Braga, pp. 33-36

Salmerón, J.M.G., Redondo, J.L., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Casado, L.G. (2016), On Metaheuristics for Longest Edge Bisection of the Unit Simplex to Minimise theSearch Tree Size, in Proceedings of the XIII Global Optimization Workshop, eds. Rocha, A.M.A.C., Costa, M.F.P. and Fernandes, E.M.F.P., ISBN: 978-989-20-6764-3, Braga, pp. 41-44 

Salmerón, J.M.G., Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Herrera, J.F.R. (2016), On Regular Simplex Division in Solving Blending Problems, in Proceedings of the XIII Global Optimization Workshop, eds. Rocha, A.M.A.C., Costa, M.F.P. and Fernandes, E.M.F.P., ISBN: 978-989-20-6764-3, Braga, pp. 45-48

Hermelink, M., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Haijema, R. (2016), On B&B Algorithms in Greenhouse ClimateControl, in Proceedings of the XIII Global Optimization Workshop, eds. Rocha, A.M.A.C., Costa, M.F.P. and Fernandes, E.M.F.P., ISBN: 978-989-20-6764-3, Braga, pp. 77-80 

Salmerón, J.M.G., Amaral, P., Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Žilinskas,  J. (2016), On Regular Simplex Refinement in Copositivity Detection, in Proceedings of the XIII Global Optimization Workshop, eds. Rocha, A.M.A.C., Costa, M.F.P. and Fernandes, E.M.F.P., ISBN: 978-989-20-6764-3, Braga, pp. 163-166

Hendrix, E.M.T., Pauls-Worm, K.G.J., Rossi, R., Alcoba, A.G. and Haijema, R. (2015), A sample-based method for perishable good inventory control with a service level constraint, F. Corman et al. (Eds): ICCL 2015, LNCS 9335, Springer, Cham, 526-540

Haugland, D. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2015), On a pooling problem with fixed network size, F. Corman et al. (Eds): ICCL 2015, LNCS 9335, Springer, Cham, 328-342

Hendrix, E.M.T., Herrera, J.F.R., Casado, L.G. and García, I. (2015), Simplicial branch and bound based on the upper fitting, longest edge bisection, J. Hall et al. (Eds): 13th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Edinburgh, 47-47

Herrera, J.F.R., Salmerón, J.M.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Casado, L.G. (2015), Search strategies in libraries for parallel branch-and-bound algorithms on shared-memory systems, in  CMMSE 2015, J. Vigo-Alguiar et al. (Eds), Cádiz, ISBN 978-84-167-2230-3, 645-648

Pauls-Worm, K.G.J. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2015), SDP in inventory control: non-stationary demand and service level constraints, O. Gervasi et al. (Eds): ICCSA 2015, Part II, LNCS 9156, Springer, Cham, 397-412

Alcoba, A.G., Hendrix, E.M.T., García, I., Ortega, G., Pauls-Worm, K.G.J. and Haijema, R. (2015), On computing order quantities for perishable inventory control with non-stationary demand, O. Gervasi et al. (Eds): ICCSA 2015, Part II, LNCS 9156, Springer, Cham, 429-444

Herrera, J.F.R., Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and García, I. (2015), Heuristics for longest edge selection in simplicial branch and bound, O. Gervasi et al. (Eds): ICCSA 2015, Part II, LNCS 9156, Springer, Cham, 445-459

Alcoba, A.G., Hendrix, E.M.T., García, I. and Ortega, G. (2015), Implementaciones paralelas para un problema de control de inventarios de productos perecederos, in Actas XXVI Jornadas de Paralelismo, ISBN: 978-84-16017-52-2, pp. 161-168

Aparicio, G., Salmerón, J.M.G.,  Casado, L.G., Asenjo, R., García, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T.  (2015), Algoritmos paralelos de memoria compartida que determinan el menor tamaño de un árbol binario al refinar un simplex regular,  in Actas XXVI Jornadas de Paralelismo, ISBN: 978-84-16017-52-2, pp. 387-392

Herrera, J.F.R., Menouer, T., Le Cun, B. Hendrix, E.M.T. and Casado, L.G. (2015), Resolución de problemas de Optimización Global mediante el framework Bobpp, in Actas XXVI Jornadas de Paralelismo, ISBN: 978-84-16017-52-2, pp. 494-499

Lančinskas, A., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Žilinskas, J.  (2014), On benchmarking stochastic global optimization algorithms, Proceedings of the XII Global Optimization Workshop MAGO 2014, eds. Casado, L.G., Garcí­a, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T., Málaga, pp. 9-12

Rossi, R. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2014), Piecewise linearisation of the first order loss function for families of arbitrarily distributed random variables, Proceedings of the XII Global Optimization Workshop MAGO 2014, eds. Casado, L.G., Garcí­a, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T., Málaga, pp. 49-52

Herrera, J.F.R., Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Haijema, R. (2014), Data Paralelism in traffic control tables with arrival information, L. Lopes et al. (Eds): Euro-Par 2014 Workshop, Part I, LNCS 8805, Springer, Cham, 60-70

Alcoba, A.G., Hendrix, E.M.T., García, I., Pauls-Worm, K.G.J. and Haijema, R. (2014), On computing order quantities for perishable inventory control with non-stationary demand, Proceedings of the XII Global Optimization Workshop MAGO 2014, eds. Casado, L.G., Garcí­a, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T., Málaga, pp. 5-8

Aparicio, G., Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T., García, I. and Tóth, B.G-. (2014), On the minimum number of simplex shapes in longest edge bisection refinement of a unit simplex, Proceedings of the XII Global Optimization Workshop MAGO 2014, eds. Casado, L.G., Garcí­a, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T., Málaga, pp. 65-68

Herrera, J.F.R., Casado, L.G. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2014), On longest edge division in simplicial branch and bound, Proceedings of the XII Global Optimization Workshop MAGO 2014, eds. Casado, L.G., Garcí­a, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T., Málaga, pp. 85-88

Casado, L.G., Tóth, B.G-., Hendrix, E.M.T. and García, I. (2014), Regular  simplex refinement by regular simplices, Proceedings of the XII Global Optimization Workshop MAGO 2014, eds. Casado, L.G., Garcí­a, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T., Málaga, pp. 93-96

Salmerón, J.M.G., Herrera, J.F.R., Aparicio, G.,  Casado, L.G., García, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2014), Estrategias paralelas para obtener el tamaño del árbol minimo  en la división por el lado mayor de un símplice regular, in Actas XXV Jornadas de Paralelismo, ISBN: 978-84-697-0329-3, pp. 29-35

Herrera, J.F.R., Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Haijema, R. (2014), Paralelismo de datos en la obtención de tablas de tráfico con información de llegada, in Actas XXV Jornadas de Paralelismo, ISBN: 978-84-697-0329-3, pp. 219-224

Herrera, J.F.R., Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and García, I. (2014), On Simplicial Longest Edge Bisection in Lipschitz Global Optimization, in B. Murgante et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2014, Part II, LNCS 8580, Springer, Cham, pp. 104-114

Claassen, G.D.H. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2014), On Modelling Approaches for Planning and Scheduling in Food Processing Industry, in B. Murgante et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2014, Part II, LNCS 8580, Springer, Cham, pp. 47-59

Aparicio, G., Casado, L.G., Toth, B.G-., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Garcia, I. (2014), Heuristics to Reduce the Number of Simplices in Longest Edge Bisection Refinement of a Regular n-Simplex, in B. Murgante et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2014, Part II, LNCS 8580, Springer, Cham, pp. 115-124

Herrera, J.F.R., Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T., Paulavičius, R. and Žilinskas, J. (2013), Dynamic and Hierarchical Load-Balancing Techniques Applied to Parallel Branch-and-Bound Methods, in Proceedings of the 2013 Eighth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, Compiegne,  doi 10.1109/3PGCIC.2013.85, pp 497-502

Aparicio, G., Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T., Garcia, I. and Toth, B.G-. (2013), On computational aspects of a regular n-simplex bisection, in Proceedings of the 2013 Eighth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, Compiegne,  doi 10.1109/3PGCIC.2013.85, pp 512-518

Herrera, J.F.R., Casado, L.G., Paulavičius, R., Žilinskas, J. and  Hendrix, E.M.T. (2013), On a hybrid MPI-Pthread approach for simplicial branch-and-bound. In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 27th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops & PhD Forum, Boston, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4979-8. doi 10.1109/IPDPSW.2013.178, pp 1764-1770

Aparicio, G., Casado, L.G., Garcia, I., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Tóth, B.G-. (2013), Aspectos computacionales en la bisección de un n-simplex regular, in G. Botella and A.A. del Barrio (Eds), Actas XXIV Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP2013), Universidad Complutense de Madrid,  pp 396-401

Haijema, R., Hendrix, E.M.T., van Dijk, D., and van der Wal, J., P. (2012), Simulation to discover structure in optimal dynamic control policies, in C. Laroque et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference,  Berlin, doi 10.1109/WSC.2012.6465020, pp. 151:1-151:12

Berenguel, J.L., Casado, L.G., Garcia, I., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Messine, F. (2012), On lower bounds using separable terms in interval B&B for one-dimensional poblems, Proceedings of the Global Optimization Workshop 2012, eds D. Aloise, P. Hansen and C. Rocha, UFRN, Natal, pp 39-42

Hendrix, E.M.T., Haijema, R. and Garcia, I. (2012), On obtaining global solutions for practical problems via Stochastic Dynamic Programming, Proceedings of the Global Optimization Workshop 2012, eds D. Aloise, P. Hansen and C. Rocha, UFRN, Natal, pp 77-80

Hendrix, E.M.T., Casado, L.G. and Amaral, P. (2012), Global Optimization simplex bisection revisited based on considerations by Reiner Horst, in B. Murgante et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2012, Part III, LNCS 7335, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 159-173

Sanjuan-Estrada, J.F., Casado, L.G., Garcí­a and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2012), Performance driven cooperation between Kernel and auto-tuning multi-threaded interval B&B applications, in B. Murgante et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2012, Part I, LNCS 7333, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 57-70

Hendrix, E.M.T., Haijema, R. Rossi, R. and Pauls-Worm, K.G.J., (2012), On solving a stochastic programming model for perishable inventory control, in B. Murgante et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2012, Part III, LNCS 7335, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 45-56

Berenguel, J.L. Casado, L.G., García, I., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Messine F. (2012), On lower bounds using additively separable terms in interval B&B, in B. Murgante et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2012, Part III, LNCS 7335, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 119-132 

Herrera, J.F.R. , Casado, L.G., García, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T.  (2011), Paralelización del algoritmo de bi-mezcla, in F. Almeida et al. (Eds), Actas XXII Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP2011), Universidad de la Laguna, pp 21-26

Hendrix, E.M.T., Tabik, S. and Haijema, R. (2011), Determination of traffic control tables by HPC, in F. Almeida et al. (Eds), Actas XXII Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP2011), Universidad de la Laguna, pp 131-134

Herrera, J.F.R., Casado, L.G., García, I. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2011), On parallelizing a bi-blend optimization algorithm, in J. Vigo Aguiar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE-2011), Benidorm, ISBN: 978-84-614-6167-7, pp 642-653

Hendrix, E.M.T., Garcí­a, I., Plaza, J. and Plaza, A. (2010), Minimum volume simplicial enclosure for spectral unmixing of remotely sensed hyperspectral data, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9566-5, pp 193-196

Berenguel, J.L., Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T., Messine, F. and Garcí­a I. (2010), On interval Branch-and-Bound algorithm for additively separable functions with one common variable, Proceedings of the Toulouse Global Optimization Workshop, eds S. Cafieri, B. G.-Tóth, E.M.T. Hendrix, L. Liberti and F. Messine, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, pp 23-27

Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T., G.-Töth, B. and García I. (2010), On regular simplex subdivision in Branch-and-Bound algorithms for blending problems, Proceedings of the Toulouse Global Optimization Workshop , eds S. Cafieri, B. G.-Tóth, E.M.T. Hendrix, L. Liberti and F. Messine, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, pp 31-34

García I., Hendrix, E.M.T., Plaza, J. and Plaza A. (2010), Spectral unmixing based on a minimum volume simplicial enclosure model, Proceedings of the Toulouse Global Optimization Workshop , eds S. Cafieri, B. G.-Tóth, E.M.T. Hendrix, L. Liberti and F. Messine, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, pp 55-58

Ortigosa, P.M. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2010), On a specific method to solve semi-obnoxious continuous facility location problems, Proceedings of the Toulouse Global Optimization Workshop , eds S. Cafieri, B. G.-Tóth, E.M.T. Hendrix, L. Liberti and F. Messine, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, pp 109-112

Rossi, R., Armagan Tarim, S., Hnich, B., Prestwich, S. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2010), On a CP approach to solve a MINLP inventory model, Proceedings of the Toulouse Global Optimization Workshop , eds S. Cafieri, B. G.-Tóth, E.M.T. Hendrix, L. Liberti and F. Messine, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, pp 137-140

Martínez, J.A., Casado L.G., Garcia I. and Hendrix, E.M.T (2007), Solving the mixture design problem on a shared memory parallel machine, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing 2007 , eds. N. Guimaraes and P. Isaías, IADIS Press, pp 259-265

Casado, L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and García I. (2005), Branch-and-Bound for the semi-continuous quadratic mixture design problem (SCQMDP), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Global Optimization , eds. I. García, L.G. Casado, E.M.T. Hendrix and B. Tóth, Universidad de Almería, pp 71-76

Hendrix, E.M.T. (2005), On the goodness of Global Optimisation Algorithms, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Global Optimization , eds. I. García, L.G. Casado, E.M.T. Hendrix and B. Tóth, Universidad de Almería, pp 127-132

Olieman, N.J. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2005), Global Optimisation Challenges in Robustness Programming Bounding Methods, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Global Optimization , eds. I. García, L.G. Casado, E.M.T. Hendrix and B. Tóth, Universidad de Almerí­a, pp 189-194

Sanders, W.T.M., Kujawa, K., Wiegerinck, M., Poppema, M. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2003),Selection of DESAR system for unsewered settlement in almost completely sewered society, Proceedings of the 2nd IWA/GTZ international symposium on ecological sanitation "ecoscan-closing loop", Lübeck, pp 803-806

V.G. Ruiz, M.F. López, I. García, and E.M.T. Hendrix. Improving MPEG-2 through JPEG 2000. In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing, pages 287–290, September 2003. Benalmádena, Málaga, Spain.

Roebeling, P. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2002), Land speculation as a cause of deforestation: The role of cattle ranching in the humid tropics of Costa Rica, Proceedings of the Conference on Risk and Uncertainty in Environmental and Resource Economics , eds. E.C. van Ierland, H.P. Weikard and J. Wesseler, Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Group, Wageningen

Roebeling, P., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Rueben R. (2002), Deforestation Due To Uncertainty In Land And Capital Prices: The Case Of Cattle Ranching In The Humid Tropics Of Costa Rica, 2002 World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Monterey, California, 24 June, 2002, 1-18

Boer, E.P.J., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Rasch, D.A.M.K. (2001), Optimization of monitoring networks for the estimation of the semivariance function, MODA6 - Advances in Model-oriented Design and Analysis , pp. 21-28, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg

Boer, E.P.J., Rasch, D.A.M.K. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2000), Locally optimal designs in non-linear regression: A case study of the Michaelis-Menten function, Advances in Stochastic Simulation Methods , editors N. Balakrishnan, V.B. Melas and S. Ermakov, pp. 177-188, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel

Boer, E.P.J. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (1999), On nonconvexity and optimal design of experiments, Proceedings of GO.99, eds. F. Schoen, Firenze, 3-6

Hendrix, E.M.T., Ortigosa, P.M. and Garcí­a, I. (1999), On failure rates for controlled random search, Proceedings of GO.99, eds. F. Schoen, Firenze, 58-61

Gigler, J.K., Heesen, R.A., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Meerdink, G. (1997), Willow Biomass Fuel Supply Chain: a dynamic programming approach, Proceedings of the 3rd Biomass Conference of the Americas , Montreal, 7-15

Rasch, D.A.M.K. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (1996), Replicationfree optimal design in nonlinear regression, Proceedings invited papers of the XVIIIth International Biometric Conference , July 1-5 1996 Amsterdam, 151-161

Rasch, D.A.M.K., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Kraan, P. (1996), Recent results in computing replicationfree designs in logistic regression, Softstat'95- Advances in Statistical Software 5, Proceedings 8th conference on scientific use of statistical software, eds. F. Faulbaum and W.Bandilla, Lucius und Lucius Verlag, Stutgart, 497-507

Rossing, W.A.H., Daamen, R.A., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Jansen M.J.W. (1994), Uncertainty of predictions in supervised pest control in winter wheat: its price and major causes, in Predictability and Nonlinear Modelling in Natural Sciences and Economics , eds J.Grasman and G.van Straten, Kluwer, 157-171

Rossing, W.A.H., Daamen, R.A., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Jansen M.J.W. (1994), Uncertainty and tactical decision support in winter wheat pest management, in Plant production on the threshold of a new century, eds P.C. Struik et al., Kluwer, 311-321

Poot, E.H. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (1994), Optimization of Potted Plant Distribution Chains, In Proceedings of the Second Working Conference on Optimization-Based Computer Aided Modelling and Design , 1992, 143-162, editors A.J.M. Beulens, J. Dolezal and H.J. Sebastian., Lansa Publishing, Leidschendam

Hendrix, E.M.T. (1990), Linking Linear Programming to Simulation Models, some experiments for cattle husbandry, Proceedings of the 32nd Georgikon scientific conference on OR and computer science in agriculture , Kesthely August 1990, 291-295

Papers published in national journals

Asenjo, R., Corbera, F., Navarro, M.A., Rodríguez, A., González, S., Villalba, J. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2017), La plataforma Rasberry Pi como base para la coordinación vertical, Enseñanza y aprendizaje de ingeniería de computadores, 7, 5-20

Hendrix, E.M.T. (2007), Robuust Mengen, StatOr, 8, 1, 14-17

van Lenthe, E.A., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Hordijk, L. (1997), Optimale afzet van mestoverschotten in Nederland, Milieu, 12, 145-153

Hendrix, E.M.T. (1990), Sciconic als tool binnen het landbouwkundig onderzoek, Agro-Informatica, 3, 13-1

Technical Reports

Fuster López, A.,  Martínez-Cruz, J., Guerrero García, P., Hendrix, E.M.T., Košir, A., Nowak, I., Oneto, L.,  Sirmakessis, S., Pacheco, M.F., Fernandes, F.P. and Pereira, A.I.  (2024), On conceptualisation and an overview of learning path recommender systems in e-learning, Working Paper, RIUMA 10630/31566 

Pauls-Worm, K.G.J. de Jong M.V. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2023), On order policies with pre-specified order schedules for a perishable product in retail , Working Paper, RIUMA 10630/27867, doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28088.32005

Fuster López, A., Guerrero García, P., Hendrix, E.M.T., Martínez-Cruz, J. and Nowak, I.  (2023), On an OptLearn implementation using collaborative filtering, Working Paper, RIUMA 10630/27214

Hendrix, E.M.T., Casado, L.G. and Tóth, B. G.-   (2020), On monotonicity and search traversal in copositivity detection algorithms, optimization online

Pauls-Worm, K.G.J. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2018), Inventory control for a non-stationary demand perishable product: comparing policies and solution methods, Working Paper, RIUMA 10630/15301

Hendrix, E.M.T.  (2013), On quality equilibrium in continuous location - design competition with binary supplier choice, WASS Working paper WWP-9

Pauls-Worm, K.G.J., Hendrix, E.M.T., Haijema, R. and van der Vorst,  J.G.A.J.  (2013), Inventory control for a perishable product with non-stationary demand and service level constraints, Working paper Group Operations Research and Logistics at Optimization Online

Hendrix, E.M.T., Pauls-Worm, K.G.J., Haijema, R. and Rossi, R. (2013), On a Global Optimization solution approach for a stochastic programming inventory control model, WASS Working paper WWP-8

van Dijk, D., Haijema R., Hendrix, E.M.T., Groeneveld, R.A. and van Ierland, E.C. (2012), Multiannual adjustment of fish quota: growth uncertainty and management costs, WASS Working paper WWP-5

van Dijk, D., Hendrix, E.M.T., Haijema R., Groeneveld, R.A.  and van Ierland, E.C. (2012), A tutorial on  bio-economic SDP modeling: an illustration of fisheries policies, WASS Working paper WWP-4

Ortigosa, P.M., Hendrix, E.M.T. and  Redondo, J.L. (2011), On methods for generating semi-obnoxious locations heuristically, WASS Working paper WWP-2

Blanquero, R., Carrizosa, E. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2010), Locating a competitive facility in the plane with a robustness criterion, Research Report Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research , University of Sevilla

Hendrix, E.M.T., Garcí­a, I., Plaza, J. and Plaza, A. (2010), minimum volume simplicial enclosure for spectral unmixing, Mansholt Working paper 50, Wageningen

Dellink, R., Nagashima, M., van Ierland, E.C., Hendrix, E.M.T., Sáiz, M.E. and Weikard, H.P. (2009), STACO Technical Document 2: Model description and calibration of STACO-2.1, Mansholt Working paper 49 , Wageningen

Sáiz, M.E. , Hendrix, E.M.T. and Pelegrí­n B. (2009), On Nash equilibria of a competitive location problem, Mansholt Working paper 47 , Wageningen

Vlajic, J.V., van der Vorst, J.G.A.J. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2008), Food supply chain network robustness- a literature review and research agenda, Mansholt Working paper 4 2, Wageningen

Apaiah, K.R., Hendrix, E.M.T., Linneman, A.R. and van Boekel, M.A.J.S. (2008), Food supply chain design using MCDM,  a case study on Novel Protein Foods, Mansholt Working paper 40 , Wageningen

Sáiz, M.E., Hendrix E.M.T., de Ridder, A. and Rusinowska, A. (2007), On the computation of Negotiation Positions and Preferences in a Spatial Coalition Model, Mansholt Working paper 39 , Wageningen

Sáiz, M.E., Fernández, J., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Pelegrí­n, B. (2007), On a Branch-and-Bound approach for a Huff-like Stackelberg location problem, Mansholt Working paper 37 , Wageningen

Casado L.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Garcí­a I. (2006), Infeasibility spheres for finding robust solutions of blending problems with quadratic constraints, Mansholt Working paper 31 , Wageningen

Sáiz, M.E. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2006), Methods for computing Nash equilibria of a location-quantity game, Mansholt Working paper 30 , Wageningen

Hendrix, E.M.T., Kornelis, M., Pegge, S. and van Galen, M. (2006), Combining Expert Opinion, Mansholt Working paper 25, Wageningen

Hendrix, E.M.T., Casado L.G. and Garcí­a I. (2006), The semi-continous quadratic mixture design problem, Mansholt Working paper 24 , Wageningen

Hendrix, E.M.T. (2005), On the Goodness of Global Optimisation Algorithms, an introduction into investigating algorithms, Mansholt Working paper 21 , Wageningen

Hendrix, E.M.T., Casado, L.G. and García, I. (2005), On Blending with Lipschitzian requirements, Mansholt Working paper 16 , Wageningen

Finus, M., Sáiz, M.E.and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2004), An Empirical Test of New Developments in Coalition Theory for the Design of International Environmental Agreements, Mansholt Working paper 14 , Wageningen

Sáiz, M.E., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Olieman N.O. (2004), Determination of stable coalitions in a CO2 emission game, Mansholt Working paper 12, Wageningen

Olieman, N.J. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (2004), Stability likelihood of coalitions in a two-stage cartel game: An estimation method, Mansholt Working paper 10, Wageningen

Hendrix, E.M.T., Ortigosa, P.M. and Garcí­a, I. (2000), On success rates for controlled random search, Technical Note 20-01, Subdepartment of Mathematics, Wageningen

Boer, E.P.J., Rasch, D.A.M.K. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (1999), Locally optimal designs in non-linear regression: A case study of the Michaelis-Menten function, Technical Note 99-01, Subdepartment of Mathematics, Wage­ningen

Makowski, D., Hendrix, E.M.T., van Ittersum, M.K. and Rossing, W.A.H. (1999), Generation and presentation of nearly optimal solutions for mixed integer linear programming, applied to a case in farming system design, Te­ch­nical No­te 99-02, Subdepartment of Mathematics, Wageningen

Gigler, J.K., Hendrix, E.M.T., Heesen, R.A., van den Hazelkamp, V.G.W. and Meerdink, G. (1999), On optimization of agricultural supply chains by dynamic programming, Te­chni­cal No­te 99-06, Subdepart­ment Mathematics, Wage­ningen

Boer, E.P.J., and Hendrix, E.M.T. (1999), Global Optimization problems in Optimal Design of Experiments, Technical Note 99-08, Subdepart­ment of Mathematics, Wageningen

Makowski, D., Hendrix, E.M.T., van Ittersum, M.K. and Rossing, W.A.H. (1998), A framework to study nearly optimal solutions of linear programming models developed for agricultural land use exploration, Technical Note 98-06, Department of Mathematics Wage­ningen

Hendrix, E.M.T. and Klepper, O. (1997), On uniform covering, adaptive random search and raspberries, Technical Note 97-09, Department of Mathematics Wage­ningen

Rasch, D.A.M.K., Mueller, R.M.S., Hering, F. and E.M.T. Hendrix (1995), Replica­tion free optimal designs in logistic regression, Technical Note 95-01, Department of Mathematics, Wageningen

Hendrix, E.M.T., Mous, S.L.J., Roosma, J. and Scholten, H. (1994), Optimality and search strategies for ill conditioned parameter estimation, Technical Note 94-14, Depart­ment of Mathema­tics, Wageningen

Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J.M. and Hendrix, E.M.T. (1993), Generalized Bilinear Pro­gramming: an applicati­on in farm management, Technical Note 9305, Centre for Environmen­tal Studies Wageningen

Hendrix, E.M.T., Mecking, C.J. and Hendriks, Th.H.B. (1993), A Mathematical Formulati­on of Finding Robust Solutions for a Product Design Problem, Technical Note 9302, Department of Mathematics Wageningen

Hendrix, E.M.T. (1989), Risk and Uncertainty in OR Models which can be used in Agriculture, Technical Note 8901, Department of Mathematics Wageningen