
When I am not doing research or teaching, I enjoy doing Pilates and playing tennis. I used to be a runner- I finished a half marathon in 2020! 

I love traveling & I have been to many countries- i.e., Belgium (Brussels and Brugge), Czech- Republic (Prague, Karlovy- Vary), Netherlands (Amsterdam), Italy (Milano and Venice), France (Paris, Monaco, Niece, Lyon, Pau, Biarritz), Macedonia (Skopje), Greece (Rhodes, Kastellerizo), Cyprus,  & Canada (Montreal, Quebec City). 

My next destination points include Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Norway, and Denmark! 

I am a cat person- I love spending time with my kitty! If you are also a cat/dog person, feel free to share your animal photos with me!

Next goal: learn how to play acoustic guitar. I taught myself to play ukulele- but gave up on that in a short time :)