
                                                                                 ELEONORA GRANZIERA

Norges Bank                                                                                                                                                                     Phone: +47 930 03451

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Oslo Norway                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


Senior Research Economist, Norges Bank, Sept. 2019-present

Newtork Coordinator, EACBN, Jan 2020-present

Senior Economist, Bank of Finland, Aug. 2016 -Sept. 2019

Senior Economist, Bank of Canada, Aug. 2010- April 2016

Visiting Associate Professor, BI Norwegian School of Business, Dec. 2013-July 2014


Ph.D. in Economics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles 2010

M.A. in Economics, Bocconi University, Milan 2004

B.A. in Economics, Bocconi University, Milan 2003


Applied Time Series Econometrics, Applied Macroeconomics


"Bonds Currencies and Expectational Errors," with M. Sihvonen, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2024) vol 158

"State Dependence of Monetary Policy Across Business, Credit and Interest Rate Cycles," with S. Alpanda and S. Zubairy, European Economic Review, (2021) vol 140

"Predicting Relative Forecasting Performance: an Empirical Investigation," with T. Sekhposyan, International Journal of Forecasting (2019), vol. 35(4), pages 1636‐1657

"Inference for VARs Identified with Sign Restrictions," with H. R. Moon, and F. Schorfheide,  Quantitative Economics, (2018), vol. 9, pages 1087-1121

"Monetary Policy, Private Debt and Financial Stability Risks," with G. H. Bauer, International Journal of Central Banking, (2017), vol. 13, pages 337-373

"House Price Dynamics: Fundamentals and Expectations," with S. Kozicki, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, (2015), vol.60, pages 152-165

"A Predictability Test for a Small Number of Nested Models," with K. Hubrich and H. R. Moon Journal of Econometrics, (2014), vol. 182(1), pages 174-185


"The Bias and Efficiency of the ECB Staff Inflation Projections: a State Dependent Analysis," with P. Jalasjoki and M. Paloviita

"Nowcasting Norwegian Household Consumption with Debit Card Transaction Data," with K. A. Aastveit, T. M. Fastbø, K. S. Paulsen and K. N. Torstensen, NB wp  17-2020, accepted for publication, Journal of Applied Econometrics


"Speaking of Inflation:  The Influence of Fed Speeches on Expectations" with V. Larsen and G. Meggiorini

"Cross-Check of Economic Forecasts" with F. Bowe and P. Ulvedal 


"Bank of Finland Staff Forecasts: an Evaluation (2018)", with J. Kilponen, Bank of Finland Bullettin 

"Post-Crisis Monetary Policy Modelling (2018)," with M. Haavio, M. Juselius, M. Kortelainen, L. Vilmi, Bank of Finland Bullettin 

"The Accuracy of Short Term Forecast Combinations (2013)," with C. Luu and P. St-Amant, BoC Review Summer 2013

"Terms of Trade Shocks and Economic Recovery (2008)," with N. Funke and P. Imam, IMF wp.08/36.