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Elena MartinengoProfessore Associato 

Università degli studi di Torino

Dipartimento di Matematica "Giuseppe Peano" 

Palazzo Campana, via Carlo Alberto 10, 10123 Torino

Tel: 011 6702313

Email: elena.martinengo@unito.it

Since December 2019, I am a Professor (professore associato) at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Turin. Here my page at the Department.

Since December 2016, I was a researcher (ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo B) in the same Department.

I got the Italian national scientific qualification as associate professor in the sector 01/A2 - Geometry and Algebra, valid from July 31st 2017 to July 31st 2023.

Research interests

My first research interests lie on deformation theory. Besides classical deformation and moduli theory, I am working on the differential graded Lie algebras (dglas) and L-infinity algebras approaches to deformations. I am interested in stacks theory and derived algebraic geometry too. 

I am studying and working also on toric geometry and its generalizations to T-varieties and Mori dream spaces.

Some announcement