
"Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes."

Edsger Dijkstra

I currently teach Artificial Intelligence, Modeling and Simulation, Databases and Fundamentals of Programming. The online support for the classes I teach is available here or on moodle.univ-ovidius.ro.

Over the years, I have taught Design and Programming Environments, Procedural Programming, Operating Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Databases I and Databases II, Probability Theory and Statistics, Web Programming, Software analysis and design. I also taught the following classes (course work and laboratory classes) for the Didactic Computer Science postgraduate courses: Procedural Programming (C), Object Oriented Programming (C++), Multimedia Techniques, Artificial Intelligence.

I advise students for Bachelor and Master theses on topics related to Software Design and Development, and Artificial Intelligence. A list of theses realized under my guidance, since 2012, is available here.