Letter to Boss

Letter to Employer

In case you need to write a letter of motivation to attend this conference, then you may want to cut and paste from the model letter below.

Dear <put name of employer here>


Please support my application to attend the Elearning Update Workshop

This long-running conference brings together a wide range of role-players in the learning and teaching field to discuss current trends, tips and techniques. This year the event has been structured as an interactive workshop where everyone is a participant in a "Bring-your-own-device" blended learning format. The organisers have selected a number of key people in the field to facilitate learning in every aspect of designing for blended learning in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

. The conference has been growing steadily over the past years and it is a signal event for the Elearning community in Gauteng, and indeed in South Africa.

I will gain valuable insights from this conference that will assist me in improving my skills to the benefit of the company.

I will also get to network with leading figures in the Elearning community.

The sort of things that will be discussed are:

    • What typical human problem will technology solve for us?

    • How anc technology help overcome a problem of space, distance or time?

    • What specific design features could we build into our solution, and how might that work for us?

    • What have we learnt from our huge success or our monumental failures?

    • What strategies can we use in developing our blended learning materials?

    • How will we get our users to implement technology in their blended learning?

    • What is working for us, and why - and how can it work for you?

    • What new "theoretical" understanding is developing about the field?

The speakers are a blend of academics, practitioners and developers in the field of Elearning and Blended Learning. I could also participate by presenting a poster or making a one-minute "elevator pitch". The topics include digital learning, online learning, blended learning as well as contact, face-to-face learning. There will also be workshops that reflect on the current and future states of elearning, and that draw conclusions from the whole conference, which I can bring back and share with the company.

Kind regards