Selected Topics in Computational Complexity

This course deals with the problem of studying the algorithmic complexity of finding a near-optimal solution to optimization problems.

To illustrate, say we are given an instance of a 3CNF formula.

It is NP-hard to decide whether the formula is satisfied or not.

But how about deciding whether there exists an assignment that satisfies 99% of the constraints? Is it plausible?

In this course we will (hopefully) prove the PCP theorem, asserting that the above task is NP-hard.

Throughout the course we will encounter some basic objects in the study in theoretical computer science including: expanders graphs, Fourier transform and error correcting codes.

Time: Convention by e-mail during the week of October 20th, the first lecture will take place in the week of Novmber 3rd.

Location: Malá Strana.

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