Ekaterina Piotrovskaya (PhD UCL, 2024-2028)
Maria Osório Costa (PhD Univ. Lisboa/UCL, 2024-2028)
Renato Reis Leme (PhD - visitor UNICAMP/LIPN, 2024-2025)
Yll Buzoku (PhD UCL, 2022-2026)
Louis Riboulet (Master - internship, 2024)
Emerson Wendlingger Dantas Sales -- General methods in proof theory for modal logics (Master, 2018-2020).
João Freire Dantas Neto -- From relations to neighbourhoods: understanding non-normal modalities (Master, 10/2018).
Paulo Roberto Beltrão Maia -- Dualities: from Birkhoff to bounded N4 (Master, 02/2017).
Carlos Ernesto Ovalle Ramirez -- On semantical extensions and typing generalizations for linear logic with subexponentials (Ph.D., 10/2016).
Athanasios Tsouanas (Posdoc, 2015).
Wesley Luiz Alves da Mata -- On linear, intuitionistic and classical logics (Master, 02/2011).
Giselle Machado Nogueira Reis -- Linear logic and the specification of computational systems (Master, 02/2009).
Fabiana Lopes Fernandes -- On the Curry-Howard isomorphism (Master, 02/2009).
Mário Sérgio Ferreira Alvim Júnior -- Computational aspects of calculus of structures (Master, 02/ 2008).