Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics 7, edited by Olivier Bonami and Patricia Cabredo Hofherr, 2008. http://www.cssp.cnrs.fr/eiss7/

The volume as a PDF file (3.2M); MD5 hash = fea5b6fb4602c8719c283aebac48453a

A recommended BibTeX entry for the volume is:


Title = {Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics 7},

Year = {2008},

Address = {Paris},

Editor = {Bonami, Olivier and Cabredo Hofherr, Patricia},

Publisher = {CSSP},

Url = {http://www.cssp.cnrs.fr/eiss7/}


A BibTeX entry for a paper in this volume would then use @InProceedings, for example:


Title = {{D}utch Modal Complement Ellipsis},

Author = {Aelbrecht, Lobke},

Booktitle = {Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics 7},

Year = {2008},

Pages = {7--33},

Crossref = {eiss7}


Note that there is an inconsistency between the title of the volume on the web page http://www.cssp.cnrs.fr/eiss7/ (without "Formal" in the title) and the title on the title page of the volume itself (with "Formal" in the title). In the entries above, I have followed the former (without "Formal"), because the title with "Formal" doesn't appear anywhere else.

In addition, the title page of the volume itself contains a title in French ("Questions empiriques et formalisation en syntaxe et sémantique 7") below the title in English, but since the French title doesn't appear anywhere else, I haven't included it in the entries above.

I also haven't included in the entries above what may be intended as the subtitle of the volume ("Papers from CSSP 2007"/"Travaux présentés à CSSP 2007"), again appearing only on the title page of the volume itself.