

Fair and Square: A retention model of managerial Compensation with Tore Ellingsen

Management Science (forthcoming)

Strategic Product Pre-announcements in markets with network effects with Jay Pil Choi and Jae Nahm

Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 2019, June, pp. 1-20.

Licensing and Innovation with Imperfect Contract Enforcement with Richard Gilbert

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2018, Summer, pp. 297-314.

Communication of soft information: Reputation and imperfect enforcement of reporting quality with Jay Pil Choi and Jae Nahm

Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation, 2017, pp. 91-106.

Life-Cycle Patterns of Interest Rate Markups in Small Firm Finance, with Moshe Kim and Bent Vale,

Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2012, pp. 629-657.

Management with Knowledge Workers, with Hans K. Hvide

Journal of Law and Economics, 2012, pp. 815 - 838.

Financial Contracts under Imperfect Enforcement with Tore Ellingsen

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2011, pp. 323 - 371.

Vaporware with Jay Pil Choi and Jae Nahm,

International Economic Review, 2010, pp. 653 - 669.

R&D and buyer's waiting option

Journal of Industrial Organization, 2006, pp. 31 - 43.

Pre-announcing information goods, with Jae Nahm and Jay Pil Choi,

book chapter Industrial Organization and the Digital Economy (2006) edited by Gerhard Illing and Martin Peitz, MIT Press.

An Economic Analysis of Product Pre-announcement, with Jay Pil Choi and Jae Nahm

CESifo Economic Studies, vol. 51, 2005, pp. 299-319.

Endogenous product differentiation in credit markets: what do borrowers pay for? with Moshe Kim and Bent Vale

Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 29, 2005, pp. 681-699.

Risk taking in selection contests with Hans K. Hvide

Games and Economic Behavior, 2003,vol. 42, pp. 172 - 179.

R&D in the Presence of Network Externalities: Timing and Compatibility,

RAND Journal of Economics, 1998, pp. 531-547.

R&D Incentives in Compatible Networks with Marcel Thum,

Journal of Economics, 1997, pp. 55 - 78.

R&D in Markets with Network Externalities,

International Journal of Industrial Organization, 1996, pp. 769 - 784.

Working papers and new projects:

  1. Agency, Performance and selection: The market for fund managers (abandoned working paper)