Analog to Digital Converter Library

ADC: (Page # 13)

The ADC library consists of several functions which can be used to configure the AD converter in the PIC18. Before checking out the code, please read through this document which describes how the ADC module in the PIC18 functions:


For initializing/configuring the AD Module such, the OPEN ADC function is used. It also configures pins as analog or digital. It has different arguments for different processors.


It is used to select the Analog channel with one wants to work with.


This function is used to start the conversion process.


This function is used check whether the ADC is busy with an ongoing conversion.


This function is used to read the result of an Analog to digital conversion.


This is used to turn off the ADC module.

Here is the code:


//This is a program that shows the use of ADC with

//Microchips Libraries.It simply converts the potentiometer

//reading and shows it on the LEDs connected to PORTB.It uses

//interrupts on channel AD0

//The ADC Section is documented on P#13 of C18 Libraries

//Use 181320Basic.DSN

//For acquisition time and other calculations i have refered to page 162 of the datasheet

#include<p18f1320.h>// Include files and definitions for the Processor

#include<adc.h>// Include function definitions for the ADC library

#pragma config LVP=OFF,OSC=INTIO2,WDT=OFF// Configuration settings for the 18f1320

#pragma code hi_prioriint=0x008// Set address to ADC interrupt vector high priority

void ADCData(void);// Function definition for ADC read routine

void chk_isr(void);// ISR Routine

void hi_prioriint(void)//ISR Handler



GOTO chk_isr



#pragma interrupt chk_isr

void chk_isr(void)


if(PIR1bits.ADIF)// If conversion complete

ADCData();// Call read routine


void main( void )


TRISB=0x00;// Make port B and output

TRISA=0b11111100;// Make last 2 pins of PORTA outputs

OSCCON=0X60;// Internal 4Mhz oscillator

OpenADC(ADC_FOSC_8 &// ADC clock frequency AD converter time

ADC_RIGHT_JUST &// Make the reading Right Justified

ADC_6_TAD ,// Select an Acquisition time of 6 TAD

ADC_CH3 &// Enable Channel 3 of the AD Module

ADC_INT_ON &// Turn on AD module interrupts

ADC_VREFPLUS_VDD// Make Vref the power supply

, 0x72 //Value of ADCON1


INTCONbits.PEIE=1;//Enable peripheral interrupts

INTCONbits.GIEH=1;// Enable all Interrupts

while(1)// wait here


SetChanADC(ADC_CH3);// select Channel 3 of the ADC

ConvertADC();// Convert the Analog Reading

while(BusyADC());// Wait here while ADC is performing a conversion



void ADCData(void)// Reads converted value and outputs it


unsigned int adcdata;

adcdata=ReadADC();// Read ADC value

LATB=adcdata;// output Lower byte to PORT B

LATA=(adcdata>>8);// Output Higher 2 bits to PORTAs last 2 btis

PIR1bits.ADIF=0;// Enable AD conversion interrupt


The code and the accompanying simulation can be downloaded from: