Curriculum vitae 

Dr. Egil Ferkingstad

Date of birth: 8 February 1979

Present position: Specialist in statistics / data science, TM insurance, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Address: Neshagi 10, 107 Reykjavík, Iceland

Phone (mobile): +354 692 1855

E-mail address:



PhD, Statistics. Department of Biostatistics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway. 


M.Sc. (sivilingeniør), Applied Mathematics / Statistics. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.


2023 (October) - current

Specialist in statistics / data science, TM insurance, Reykjavik, Iceland.

2017 (September) - 2023 (October)

Senior data research scientist at deCODE genetics, Reykjavik, Iceland.

2016 - 2017 (August)

Science Institute, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland: Research Scholar (Fræðimaður) in Statistics.

2015 (November)

Visiting scholar at the Department of Biostatistics at the University of Zürich. 

2015 (Jan-Oct)

Department of Mathematical Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway: Researcher in Statistics


Science Institute, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland: Research Scholar (Fræðimaður) in Statistics.

2007 – 2013

Norwegian Computing Center (Norsk Regnesentral), Oslo: Research Scientist (Senior Research Scientist from July 2013).

2010 (Jan-Jun)

Visiting scholar at the University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland 

2005 (Jan-Jun)

Visiting scholar at deCODE genetics, Reykjavik, Iceland

2004 – 2007

Department of Biostatistics, University of Oslo: Research fellow (PhD student).

Selected publications


Spring 2017: Taught the basic statistics course (VIÐ263G - Business Statistics A) for 200 students at the Faculty of Business Administration, University of Iceland.

Fall 2016: Taught the basic statistics course (VIÐ305G - Business Statistics A) for 170 students at the Faculty of Business Administration, University of Iceland.

Taught part of the course “Analysis of register data”, Tromsø, Norway, 11.10.2012.

Taught part of the course “Multiple hypothesis testing: Theory and applications to genomics” given at the Norwegian Computing Center, 28-29.02.2008

Taught part of the course “Statistical methods and bioinformatics for the analysis of microarray data” given at the University of Oslo, 23.11.2007.

Teaching assistant for the basic statistics course for medical students, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo

Teaching assistant for several mathematics and statistics courses at NTNU


Genome-wide association meta-analysis highlights the role of cholesterol and bile acid homeostasis in gallstone disease. Poster presentation at the 2018 American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting (ASHG 2018), San Diego, USA, 17.10.2018.

Fast and accurate Bayesian model criticism and conflict detection using integrated nested Laplace approximations (INLA). Contributed presentation at the 2017 Joint Statistical Meetings, Baltimore, USA, 02.08.2017.

Model criticism and conflict diagnostics. Invited lecture at the The 2016 autumn meeting on latent Gaussian models, Trondheim, Norway, 10-12 Nov 2016.

Organizer of the session on "Bayesian computation" and invited speaker at the 26th Nordic Conference in Mathematical Statistics (NORDSTAT2016), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 27-30, 2016.

Improving the INLA approach for approximate Bayesian inference for latent Gaussian models. Poster presentation at the ISBA 2016 World Meeting, Sardinia, Italy, June 13-17, 2016.

Recent progress in the R-INLA project for Bayesian computation.  Invited presentation at the ETH Research Seminar in Statistics, Zürich, Switzerland, 06.11.2015

Improving the INLA approach for approximate Bayesian inference for latent Gaussian models. Contributed presentation at the 2015 Joint Statistical Meetings, Seattle, USA, 10.08.2015

Improving the INLA approach for approximate Bayesian inference for latent Gaussian models. Poster presentation at the 11th International Workshop on Objective Bayes Methodology, Valencia, Spain, 02.06.2015 

Monte Carlo null models for genomic data. Statistics seminar at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 09.04.2015.

Monte Carlo null models for genomic data. Invited lecture at the 2014 Bergen Young Statistician Day, University of Bergen, Norway, 29.04.2014.

Monte Carlo null models for genomic data. Statistics seminar at the University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, 13.02.2014

Monte Carlo null models for genomic data. Contributed presentation at the 2013 Joint Statistical Meetings, Montreal, Canada, 05.08.2013.

Indirect genomic effects on cancer survival. 14.06.2010. Invited lecture at the 23rd

Nordic Conference on Mathematical Statistics (NORDSTAT), Voss, Norway.

Indirect genomic effects on cancer survival. 13.05.2009. Contributed lecture at the

5th Conference of the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the International Biometric Society, Istanbul, Turkey.

Unsupervised empirical Bayesian multiple testing with external covariates. 21.07.2008. Poster presentation at the 9th World Conference of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA), Hamilton Island, Australia.

Indirect genomic effects on cancer survival. 14.07.2008. Contributed lecture at the 7th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, Singapore.

Unsupervised empirical Bayesian multiple testing with external covariates. 16.06.2008. Invited lecture at the 22nd Nordic Conference on Mathematical Statistics (NORDSTAT), Vilnius, Lithuania.

Covariate-modulated false discovery rates. 02.08.2007. Contributed lecture at the 2007 Joint Statistical Meetings, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

Dynamic path analysis. 09.11.2006. Invited lecture at the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) Workshop on Large Graphical Models and Random Matrices, North Carolina, USA.

Covariate-modulated false discovery rates. 28.06.2006. Invited lecture at the 9th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Selected consulting projects at the Norwegian Computing Center (Norsk Regnesentral)

NORSK HYDRO: Models for electricity markets

RUTER (the Oslo public transport system): Passenger statistics 

iRISK AS: Financial simulation model

THOMSON REUTERS / POINT CARBON: Estimation of water values from live power production data.

Other activities and responsibilities

Co-organizer of the international conference Autumn meeting on Latent Gaussian Models, Trondheim, September 17-18, 2015, with around 50 participants from 14 different countries

Member of the evaluation committee for David Volent Lindberg's PhD thesis defended at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 17 December 2014.

Referee for Statistics and Computing, Statistica Sinica, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Lifetime Data Analysis and Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. Sensor for university courses.