Funding as PI

Funding obtained as principal investigator

2024: Principal Investigator of EuroHPC Regular Access Call, 50.000 node hours in Supercomputer Lumi-Vega CPU.

2024: Red Española de Supercomputación (RES) grant: 6000+6000 kilo hours at Marenostrum5 supercomputer.

2023: Principal Investigator of "Plan Nacional - Generación de Conocimiento" (237.500 EUR)

2023: Principal Investigator ERC Consolidator Grant Off-coustics (1.992.500 EUR) 

2022: Principal Investigator "Europa Excelencia" project (89.646 EUR)

2022: Principal Investigator (at UPM) for the European project HERA, Clean Aviation HORIZON-JU-Clean-Aviation-2022-01  (490.000 EUR for UPM ) website 

2022: Young researcher award - Proyectos de I+D para jóvenes investigadores: "High Order Mesh Free" (40.000 EUR)

2022: Co-PI (at UPM) for the EU project Next-Sim H2020-JTI-EuroHPC-2019-1 (336.875 EUR) website 

2022: Red Española de Supercomputación (RES) grant: 4200 kilo hours at Marenostrum supercomputer: "Aeroacoustics using a high order Discontinuous Galerkin solver- continuation"

2021: Red Española de Supercomputación (RES) grant: 9000 kilo hours at Marenostrum supercomputer: "Aeroacoustics using a high order Discontinuous Galerkin solver"

2020: Spanish Minister of Development, financial help for ERC-CG grant preparation (10.000 EUR): EIN2020-112255 

2018: Principal Investigator (at UPM) for the European project ASIMIA ITN-EID (1.268.062 EUR): Advanced High-Order Simulation Methods for Industrial Applications

2017:  Spanish Minister of Development, financial help for grant preparation (25.000 EUR): EUIN2017-87247: High order methods for industrial simulations

2017: UPM funding for ERC-StG preparation (8.000 EUR)

2016: Red Española de Supercomputación (RES) grant: 2000 kilo hours Caléndula supercomputer: "Implicit Large Eddy Simulations for rotating vertical axis turbines using a high order Discontinuous Galerkin method with sliding meshes"

2016: "Jose Castillejo" Spanish grant: travel and living expenses for 3 months to collaborate  with Prof. H. Blackburn (Monash Univ. in Melbourne).

2015-2018: Selena project (3 years): collaboration with Airbus Spain

Participation in EU projects (not as PI)

Ongoing: NextSim (NextSim-web) , zEPHYR (Zephyr-web), SSECOID (ssecoid-web)