
EFaB Paper Presentation Award

The EFaB section sponsors Junior Researcher Sessions at selected conferences/workshops. Generally, up to three PhD students and young post-doctoral researchers are eligible for cost refund up to US$ 500 each. As a condition for receiving this grant, EFaB requires the session participants to be member of ISBA and its EFaB section. For more information, organizers may contact the EFaB Program Chair.

Each year, the EFaB board members determine the set of conferences/workshops and researchers to fund according to budgetary availability and the rules indicated above. Funding a session in the past does not provide a guarantee that such funding will continue into the future.

Upcoming events

Past events

[September 2-3, 2019]

European Seminar on Bayesian Econometrics (ESOBE) 2019, in St Andrews, UK

... EFaB sponsored a Junior Researcher Session

  • Annalisa Cadonna (Vienna University of Economics and Business), "Hierarchical Variance Shrinkage Through the Triple Gamma Prior", co-authored with Sylvia Fruhwirth-Schnatter

  • Doan Khue Dung Dang (University of New South Wales), "Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with Energy Conserving Subsampling", co-authored with Matias Quiroz, Robert Kohn, Minh-Ngoc Tran and Mattias Villani

  • Aubrey Poon (University of Strathclyde), "Variational Bayesian Inference in Large Vector Autoregressions with Hierarchical Shrinkage", co-authored with Deborah Gefang and Gary Koop

[July 27 - August 1, 2019]

Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) 2019, in Denver, USA

... EFaB refunded travel costs for junior researchers

  • Lindsay Berry (Duke University and 84.51°), "Bayesian Forecasting of High-Dimensional Count-Valued Time Series: Massive Data in Consumer Sales Forecasting", co-authored with Mike West and Paul Helman

[October 11-12, 2018]

European Seminar on Bayesian Econometrics (ESOBE) 2018, in New Orleans, USA

... EFaB refunded travel costs for junior researchers

  • Jared Fisher (University of Texas at Austin), "Monotonic Effects of Characteristics on Returns", co-authored with David Puelz and Carlos Carvalho

  • Kenichiro McAlinn (University of Chicago), "Dynamic Mixed Frequency Synthesis for Economic Nowcasting"

  • Aishameriane Schmidt (Federal University of Santa Catarina), "Redistribution Effect of Monetary Policy: Evidence from Brazil", co-authored with Guilherme Moura

Award in EFaB@Bayes250

[December 15-16, 2013]

EFaB@Bayes250: the First Research Workshop of the ISBA section on Economics, Finance and Business, in Durham, USA

  • BEST-EFaB Research Award for junior researchers

    • Jouchi Nakajima (Bank of Japan): "Bayesian Latent Threshold Dynamic Models: Identifying Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policy Shocks", co-authored with Takeshi Kimura

  • IBM-EFaB Student Research Award

    • Zoey Yi Zhao (Duke University), "Dynamic Dependence Networks: Multiregression Dynamic Models for Financial Time Series Analysis and Portfolio Decisions", co-authored with Mike West

  • Oxford University Press OUP-EFaB Research Prize (OUP book award)

    • Hao Wang (University of South Carolina), "Scaling It Up: Stochastic Search Structure Learning in Graphical Models"

    • Jarad Murray (Duke University), "Flexible Bayesian Density Regression without Discrete Mixtures"