
* The results from 4 papers published in 2015 in the framework of the CIG ``eEASy" project have been advertised in the Italian community with an INAF press-release (http://www.media.inaf.it/2015/06/01/la-risposta-soffia-nel-vento-galattico/)

* In September 2014 I presented my own work in the series of conference "Conferenze alla Specola", a monthly outreach event on Astronomy jointly organised by DIFA/Unibo and INAF/OABo (http://davide2.bo.astro.it/~universo/conferenze/due.html). I gave a lecture on "Buchi Neri e Venti Galattici" (Black Holes and Galactic Winds). The main focus of the conference was the dissemination of the results obtained in the framework of the CIG project and in particular those on AGN feedback obtained through WP2 ("AGN YOUTH").

* In September 2016, in the framework of the "Crossing the Rubicon” conference, I participated with other 3 colleagues of INAF/OABo (Andrea Comastri and Renzo Sancisi) and DIFA/UNIBO (Filippo Fraternali) into a Public conference on the subject “Galaxies and Black Holes”, attended by an audience of ~300 persons. The event was a great success, and had a lot of resonance in local media.