REX CURRY archives expose Edward Bellamy & Nazi memorabilia, souvenirs, relics of Adolf Hitler in USA

Nazi memorabilia, souvenirs, relics from USA's Pledge of Allegiance to the flag

More evidence grows about the discoveries by the historian Dr. Rex Curry: (1) that the USA's Pledge of Allegiance to the flag (written by an American National Socialist) was the origin of the salute (and similar behavior) used by German socialists under Hitler; and (2) that the swastika was used by Hitler to represent crossed "S" letter shapes for "SOCIALIST". The American Nazi Woodrow Wilson was yet another president who promoted (with his underlings) the USA's "Nazi" salute in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag (written by an American National Socialist) which was the origin of the salute (and similar behavior) used later by German socialists under Hitler. No history of Woodrow Wilson is ever going to mention that, not even from libertarian types, as no one has the balls nor brains to explain it. It was part of the USA's Nazi socialist plan to take over education and all schools and to impose segregation by law and teach racism as official policy. Photos and film footage are available of Woodrow Wilson and predecessors doing the early American "Nazi" salute for the pledge. They influenced all the others. It is funny to think how all the politicians loved to do the "Pledge of Allegiance" just like today, but back then the gesture was the American "Nazi" salute. Now it is difficult to find those historic photos and film. I wonder what happened to them? LOL.

Nazi Memorabilia Boom: 'The People Want Souvenirs' according to ABC news. The story states "The trade in Nazi relics is booming in the United States, driven by private collectors who want to own a piece of world history's most notorious era." It reports that this week a US auction house at the helm of the trend will sell personal documents left behind by Joseph Goebbels, a close cohort of German Chancellor Adolf Hitler in Berlin, Germany.

It is sad to note that Nazi relics include old photographs and video of the USA's early Pledge of Allegiance, the origin of the Nazi salute and of Nazi behavior. The National Socialist German Workers Party was influenced by American National Socialists, including Francis Bellamy (author of the Pledge) and his cousin and cohort Edward Bellamy (the author of American books on National Socialism). They and the Pledge of Allegiance influenced the NSGWP's dogma, symbols (the use of the swastika as crossed S-letters for "socialism") and rituals (robotic chanting in unison on command, as in the Pledge of Allegiance, as well as the violence against any dissenters).

For more info see

The early Pledge began with a military salute that was then extended outward to point at the flag. In practice, the second gesture was performed palm-down (the Nazi salute). It was not an ancient Roman salute. See the work of mythology expert Dr. Rex Curry.

Here are examples of American pledge of Allegiance Nazi memorabilia, souvenirs, and relics

There are many other collectible items such as material related to the U.S. Supreme Court case of minersville school district v. gobitis, 310 U.S. 586 (1940) which upheld persecution of children in government schools (socialist schools) who refused to perform the stiff-armed salute, and which resulted in violence, arrests, bullying of anyone who refused the mechanical performance and its Nazi gesture.

News outlets in the USA are too fearful to tell the truth about the pledge. For example, news outlets will not print an actual historic photograph or videotape of the Pledge of Allegiance showing children performing its early Nazi salute. They will not discuss the connection to Harvard grad Ernst Hanfstaengl and Harvard football. They will never explain how the Nazi salute gesture that was used in the pledge resulted from the initial military salute extended outward to point at the flag. They will not even hint at the issue of whether it was the origin of the Nazi salute and Nazi behavior, and they certainly will not inform readers that there are growing numbers of intelligent Americans who believe that to be the unfortunate fact.

That is why support for the Pledge of Allegiance is flagging.