Work in progress

Skill Formation and the Trouble with Child Non-Cognitive Skill Measures, with Ronni Pavan and Joshua Kinsler, IZA DP 13713, (New version, 2024). Link

The Economic Value of Socio-Emotional Skills, with Ben Etheridge and Paul Garcia, ISER Working Paper 2024-01. Link

Less Macho, More Mellow: the Malleability of Competitiveness, with Adeline Delavande, Angus Holford, and Patrick Nolen, Patrick, available at SSRN. Link 

Expectations about the Productivity of Effort and Academic Outcomes: Evidence from a Randomized Information, with Adeline Delavande, Angus Holford, Sonkurt Sen and Vedran Lesic. Link 

Ambiguity about Covid-related health risks and protective health behaviours among young adults, with Adeline Delavande and Angus Holford. Link 

Still in progress (please contact me if you would like to see an early draft) 

Boosting Attendance through Goal Setting: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment, with Adeline Delavande, Angus Holford and Tommaso Sartori

Effects of Early Years Childcare on Long Run Health, with Julie Riise and Anne-Lise Breivik

Beyond Test Scores: How Being the Top of Your Class Affects Educational Attainments and Socioemotional Development, with Angus Holford and Tommaso Sartori