Sponsor Us

Edcamp Seacoast will bring together approximately 250 of the Seacoast area’s brightest and most motivated educators. By sponsoring Edcamp Seacoast, you’ll be helping this community in a very direct and visible way.

No overhead: Edcamp Seacoast is run by volunteers who aim to create a wonderful event for all who choose to participate. There is no cost for participants and, thanks to the generosity of sponsors like you, we hope you can help us provide free breakfast, lunch, drinks, and T-shirts. While we won’t have vendor booths at this event, there will be many places where we will make your sponsorship known. When you buy a sponsorship, you’re contributing directly to this experience. Here’s what you get.

Sponsor Benefits

Please contact us at edcampseacoast@gmail.com to donate!

Other types of sponsorship are available. Please contact us if you have any other ideas, such as other monetary amounts or door prizes such as books or devices that educators can use in their classrooms.