Publicaciones Ernesto Cristallini

Actualizado 12/06/2024


Scopus Author ID: 7003564661 (h-index 25)

ResearchGate: (h-index 29)

GoogleSchoolar: (h-index 30)

PLOTEK, B., JEREMÍAS LIKERMAN, CRISTALLINI, E. 2024. Geomechanical modeling of fault-propagation folds: A comparative analysis of finite-element and the trishear kinematic model. Journal of Structural Geology, 180, 105064–105064.

TOMEZZOLI, R.N., CRISTALLINI, E.O., TICKYJ, H., ARZADUN, G., CALVAGNO, J.M., CHOQUE, G., FEBBO, B., SAGUAS, E. 2023. Following the steps of CHIPA: Chilenia and Patagonia formed the same drift terrain that collided with the southwest Gondwana margin during the middle Paleozoic. Frontier Earth Sciences, Volume 11: 1-22.

PLOTEK, B., GUZMÁN, C., CRISTALLINI, E., YAGUPSKY, D., SUAREZ, R. Testing the application of the Trishear kinematic model for fault-propagation folding: Results from 2D analogue model. Aplicación del modelo cinemático Trishear a plegamiento por propagación de falla: nuevos resultados obtenidos a través de modelado analógico en 2D. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 2023, 80(1), pp. 98–114.

BASALDUA, A.D., CRISTALLINI, E. 2022. Evolución  y  estructuración  dómica  del  subsuelo  del  campo volcánico Auca Mahuida, Neuquén. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 79 (4): 625-641 (2022).

PLOTEK, B., HECKENBACH E., BRUNE, S., CRISTALLINI, E., LIKERMAN, J., 2022. Kinematics of fault-propagation folding: Analysis of velocity fields in numerical modeling simulations. Journal of Structural Geology 162, 104703. doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2022.104703.

HERNÁNDEZ, N., GALETTO, A., CRISTALLINI, E., GARCÍA, V., BECHIS, F., GIAMBIAGI, L., 2022. Late Triassic-Early Jurassic extensional tectonics in the Neuquén Basin (Argentina). New insights from stratigraphic and structural analyses of the Chachil depocenter (39°S). Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 154, 2022, 104483, ISSN 0191-8141,

PLOTEK, B., GUZMÁN, C., CRISTALLINI, E., y YAGUPSKY, D., 2021. Analysis of fault bend folding kinematic models and comparison with an analog experiment, Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 146, 2021, 104316,


CRISTALLINI, E., SÁNCHEZ, F., BALCIUNAS, D., MORA, A., KETCHAM, R., NIGRO, J., HERNÁNDEZ, J., HERNÁNDEZ, R. 2021. Seamless low-temperature thermochronological modeling in Andino 3D, towards integrated structural and thermal simulations, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Volume 105, 2021, 102851, ISSN 0895-9811,

CALVAGNO, J.M., FEBBO, M.B., TOMEZZOLI, R.N., GALLO, L.C., CRISTALLINI, E. 2021. Magnetic fabric studies in analogues models: comparison between different mineralogies. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 78, 487- 496.


HERNÁNDEZ, J., HERNÁNDEZ, R., DALENZ, A., CRISTALLINI, E., ALVAREZ, L., DELLMANS, L., COSTILLA, M., ALVAREZ, F., BECCHIO, R., BORDESE, B., ARADUN, G., GUIBALDO, C., GLASMACHER, U., TOMEZZOLI, R., SCTOCKLI, D., FUENTES, F., GALVARRO, J., ROSALES, A., DZELALIJA, F., HARING, C., 2020. Multiple thermochronometers applied to the quantitative analysis of compressive systems: the southern sub-Andean fold and thrust belt of Bolivia. From source rock to trap. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 10.1016/j.jsames.2020.102949


LEBINSON, F., TURIENZO, M., SÁNCHEZ, N., CRISTALLINI, E., ARAUJO, V., DIMIERI, L., Kinematics of a backthrust system in the Agrio fold and thrust belt, Argentina: Insights from structural analysis and analogue models, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Volume 100, 2020, 102594, ISSN 0895-9811,


CALVAGNO, J., GALLO, L., TOMEZZOLI, R., CRISTALLINI, E., DALENZ FARJAT, A., HERNÁNDEZ, R., A new constraint on the central Andean rotation pattern from paleomagnetic studies in the southern Subandes of Bolivia, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Volume 98, 2020, 102470, ISSN 0895-9811,


GARCÍA, V., HONGN, F., YAGUPSKY, D., PINGEL, H., KINNAIRD, T., WINOCUR, D., CRISTALLINI, E., ROBINSON, R., STRECKER, M., Late Quaternary tectonics controlled by fault reactivation. Insights from a local transpressional system in the intermontane Lerma valley, Cordillera Oriental, NW Argentina, Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 128, 2019, 103875, ISSN 0191-8141,


GALLO, L.; CRISTALLINI, E. & SVARC, M., 2019. A Nonparametric Approach for Assessing Precisionin Georeferenced Point Clouds Best Fit Planes: Toward More Reliable Thresholds. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, 10,297–10,308. Published.


TOMEZZOLI R.N., TICKYJ H., RAPALINI A., GALLO L., CRISTALLINI E., ARZADÚN G. & CHEMALE Jr F. 2018. Gondwana’s Apparent Polar Wander Path during the Permian. Scientific Reports (2018) 8:8436. Published.


ARZADÚN G., TOMEZZOLI R.N., TICKYJ H., CRISTALLINI E. and GALLO L., 2018. Tectonic Insight in the Southwest Gondwana Boundary Based on Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility, Tectonics Evgenii Sharkov, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.72825. Published.


CALVAGNO, J.M., FEBBO, M.B., TOMEZZOLI, R.N., GALLO, L.C. y CRISTALLINI, E., 2018. Estudios de fábrica magnética en modelos análogos: comparación entre distintas mineralogías. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina. Published.


PLOTEK, B., GUZMAN, C., y CRISTALLINI, E., 2018. Modelo análogo de fallamiento extensional y comparación con el sistema de fallas normales Las Salinas, provincia del Neuquén. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 75 (4): 592-600 (2018). Published.


HERNÁNDEZ, R., HERNÁNDEZ, J., DALENZ FARJAT, A., ALVAREZ, L., CRISTALLINI, E., TOMEZZOLI, R., ROSALES, A. & SORIA GALVARRO, J., 2018, Deformation and Stratigraphic Models of the Bolivian and Argentinean Sub-Andean System: Evolution of Knowledge and Current Trends, in G. Zamora, K. R. McClay, and V. A. Ramos, eds., Petroleum Basins and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Andes of Peru and Bolivia: AAPG Memoir 117. DOI:10.1306/13622136M1173781. Published.


ROCHA, E., CRISTALLINI, E.O. 2017. Controls on Thrusts Spacing: An Example from the Sub-Andean Fold-and-Thrust Belt of Southern Bolivia, in G. Zamora, K. R. McClay, and V. A. Ramos, eds., Petroleum Basins and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Andes of Peru and Bolivia: AAPG Memoir 117, p. DOI:10.1306/13622131M1173776. Published.


TOMEZZOLI R.N., ARZADÚN, G., y CRISTALLINI, E., 2017. Anisotropía de susceptibilidad magnética y paleomagnetismo en la Formación Lolén de edad Devónica. Sierras Australes de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 74 (3): 326-337 (2017). Published.


GALLO, L.; CRISTALLINI, E. & TOMEZZOLI, R.N., 2017. Bootstrapped intersecting remagnetization great circles and the subsequent empirical confidence region. LatinMag Letters, 7, 1–4. Published.


MARTÍNEZ, F., CRISTALLINI, E. 2017. The doubly vergent inverted structures in the Mesozoic basins of northern Chile (28°S): A comparative analysis from field data and analogue modeling. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. Volume 77, Pages 327-340. Published.


GALLO, L.C., TOMEZZOLI, R.N. Y CRISTALLINI, E.O. 2017. A pure dipole analysis of the Gondwana apparent polar wander path: Paleogeographic implications in the evolution of Pangea. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 18, doi: 10.1002/2016GC006692. Published.


SCHREURS, G., BUITER, S., BOUTELIER, J., BURBERRY, C., CALLOT, J.P., CAVOZZI, C., CERCA, M., CHEN, J.H., CRISTALLINI, E., CRUDEN, A., CRUZ, L., DANIEL, J.M., DA POIAN, G., GARCIA, V., GOMES, C., GRALL, C., GUILLOT, Y., GUZMÁN, C., HIDAYAH, T., HILLEY, G., KLINKMÜLLER, M., KOYI, H., LU, C., MAILLOT, B., MERIAUX, C., NILFOUROUSHAN, F., PAN, C., PILLOT, D., PORTILLO, R., ROSENAU, M., SCHELLART, W., SCHLISCHE, R., TAKE, A., VENDEVILLE, B., VERGNAUD, M., VETTORI, M., WANG, S., WITHJACK, M., YAGUPSKY, D., YAMADA, Y., 2016. Benchmarking analogue models of brittle thrust wedges, Journal of Structural Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2016.03.005. Published.


ROCHA, E., CRISTALLINI, E., 2015. Controls on structural styles along the deformation front of the Subandean zone of southern Bolivia. Journal of Structural Geology. 73(2015): 83-96. Published.


ORIOLO, S., CRISTALLINI, E., JAPAS, S., YAGUPSKY, D., 2015. Neogene structure of the Andean Precordillera, Argentina: insights from analogue models. Andean Geology. 42(1): 20-35. Santiago de Chile. Published.


JARA, P., LIKERMAN, J., WINOCUR, D., GHIGLIONE, M., CRISTALLINI, E., PINTO, L., CHARIER, R., 2015. Role of basin width variation in tectonic inversion: Insight from analogue modelling and implications for the tectonic inversion of the Abanico Basin, 32°-34° S, Central Andes. Sepúlveda, S. A., Giambiagi, L. B., Moreiras, S. M., Pinto, L., Tunik, M., Hoke, G. D. & Farı´as, M. (eds). Geodynamic Processes in the Andes of Central Chile and Argentina. Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 399: 83-107. Published.


ORIOLO, S., JAPAS, S., CRISTALLINI, E., GIMENEZ, M., 2014. Cross–strike structures controlling magmatism migration in a flat–slab setting (Precordillera, Central Andes of Argentina). Geological Society of London. Special Publication, 394: 113-127. Published.


BECHIS, F., CRISTALLINI, E., GIAMBIAGI, L., YAGUPSKY, D., GUZMAN, C., GARCÍA, V., 2014. Title: Transtensional tectonics induced by oblique reactivation of previous lithospheric anisotropies during the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic rifting in the Neuquén basin: insights from analog models. Journal of Geodynamics. Volume 79, 1-17, Published.


Yagupsky, D.L., García Morabito, E., Naipauer, M., Terrizzano, C.M., Cristallini, E.O. y Ramos, V. 2013. Salient and recess development in the Agrio - Aluminé fold and thrust belt. Influence of a pre-Andean foreland obstacle. Bollettino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata, Vol. 54 (2), 117-119.


GARCÍA, V.H., HONGN, F., CRISTALLINI, E., 2013. Late Miocene to recent morphotectonic evolution and potential seismic hazard of the northern Lerma valley: Clues from Lomas de Medeiros, Cordillera Oriental, NW Argentina. Tectonophysics, 608: 1238-1253. Published.


LIKERMAN, J., F. BURLANDO, J., GHIGLIONE, M., CRISTALLINI, E., 2013. Along-strike structural variations in the Southern Patagonian Andes: Insights from physical modeling. Tectonophysics 590 (2013) 106-120.


Payrola, P., Hongn, F., Cristallini, E., García, V., del Papa, C., 2012. Andean oblique folds in the Cordillera Oriental - Northwestern Argentina: Insights from analogue models. Journal of Structural Geology, 42:194-211. Published.


GUZMNÁN, C.G.; CRISTALLINI, E.O.; GARCÍA, V.G.; YAGUPSKY, D.L. y BECHIS, F., 2011. Evolución del Campo de Esfuerzos Horizontal desde el Eoceno a la Actualidad en la Cuenca Neuquina. Relación entre la Dirección deBreakout de Pozos y la Orientación de Diques de Bitumen y Volcánicos. Revista de la  Asociación Geológica Argentina, 68 (4), 542-554. Published.


BECHIS, F., GIAMBIAGI, L., GARCÍA, V., LANES, S., CRISTALLINI, E., TUNIK, M., 2010. Kinematic analysis of a transtensional fault system: The Atuel depocenter of the Neuquén basin, southern Central Andes, Argentina. Journal of Structural Geology, 32 (7): 886-899. Published


CRISTALLINI, E., R. TOMEZZOLI, G. PANDO, C. GAZZERA, J.M. MARTÍNEZ, J. QUIROGA, M. BUHLER, F. BECHI, S. BARREDO y O. ZAMBRANO, 2009. Controles precuyanos en la estructura de cuenca Neuquina. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 65(2): 248-264. Published.


GHIGLIONE, M.C., SUAREZ, F., AMBROSIO, A., DA POIAN, G., CRISTALLINI, E.O., PIZZIO, M.F., REINOSO, R.M., 2009. Structure and evolution of the Austral Basin fold-thrust belt, southern Patagonian Andes, Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina. 65 (1): 215-226. Published.


GIAMBIAGI, L., GHIGLIONE, M.C., CRISTALLINI, E.O. y BOTTESI, G., 2009.  Características Estructurales del Sector Sur de la Faja Plegada y Corrida de Malargüe (35°-36°S): Distribución del Acortamiento e Influencia de Estructuras Previas, Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina. 65 (1): 140-153. Published.


GARCÍA, V.H. and CRISTALLINI, E.O., 2009. Numerical modeling of interplay between growing folds and fluvial-alluvial erosion-sedimentation processes. Trabajos de Geología, Universidad de Ovied, 29: 297-302. Published.


GIAMBIAGI, L., GHIGLIONE, M.C., CRISTALLINI, E.O. y BOTTESI, G., 2009.  Kinematic models of basement/cover interactions: insights from the Malargüe fold and thrust belt, Mendoza, Argentina, Journal of Structural Geology, 31 (12): 1443-1457. Published.


GUZMNÁN, C.G. y CRISTALLINI, E.O., 2009. Contemporary Stress Orientations from Borehole Breakout Analysis in the Southernmost Flat-slab Boundary Andean Retroarc (32º 44´and 33º 40´S). Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, B02406, doi: 10.1029 /2007JB005505. Published.


AGUIRRE URRETA, B., CRISTALLINI, E., 2009. La Cuenca Neuquina: una perspectiva integrada. Editores invitados del Volumen 65 (2) de la Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina. Published.


YAGUPSKY, D.L., CRISTALLINI, E.O., FANTIN, J., ZAMORA VALCARCE, G., BOTTESI, G., VARADE, R., 2008. Oblique half-graben inversion of the Mesozoic Neuquén Rift in the Malargüe Fold and Thrust Belt, Mendoza, Argentina: New Insights from analogue models. Journal of Structural Geology, 30 (2008): 839-853. Published.


GUZMAN, C., CRISTALLINI, E.O., BOTTESI, G., 2008. Contemporary stress orientations in the Andean retroarc between 34ºS and 39ºS from borehole breakout análisis. Tectonics VOL. 26, TC3016, doi:10.1029/2006TC001958. Published.


GHIGLIONE, M.C., CRISTALLINI, E.O., 2007. Have the southernmost Andes been curved since Late Cretaceous time? An analog test for the Patagonian Orocline. Geology. 35 (1): 13-16. Published.


VERGÉS, J., RAMOS, V.A., MEIGS, A., CRISTALLINI, E., BETTINI, F. Y CORTÉS, J.M. 2007. Crustal wedging triggering recent deformation in the Andean thrust front between 31ºS and 33ºS: Sierras Pampeanas-Precordillera interaction. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 112, B03S15, 1-22. Published.


YAGUPSKY, D.L.; CRISTALLINI, E.O.; ZAMORA, G. Y VARADÉ, R., 2007. Sistema compresivo sobreimpuesto a un rift oblicuo: aplicaciones en la faja plegada y corrida de Malargüe, sur de Mendoza. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 62 (1): 124-138. Published.


DICARLO, D.J., CRISTALLINI, E.O., 2007. Estructura y estratigrafía en la margen norte del río Grande, Bardas Blancas, provincia de Mendoza. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 62 (2): 187-199. Published.


CRISTALLINI, E.O., BOTTESI, G., GAVARRINO, A., RODRIGUEZ, L., TOMEZZOLI, R.N., Y COMERON, R., 2006. Synrift geometry of the Neuquén Basin in the northeastern Neuquén Province, Argentina. In Kay, S.M., and Ramos, V.A., eds. Evolution of the Andean margin: a tectonic and magmatic view from the Andes to the Neuquén Basin (35°-39° S lat): Geological Society of America Special Paper 407, p 147-161. Published.


BECHIS, F., CRISTALLINI, E.O., 2005. Infexiones en estructuras del sector norte de la faja plegada y corrida de Ñirihuau, provincia de Río Negro. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, Actas XII Reunión sobre Microtectónica y Geología Estructural. Serie D (10) de la Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 26-32. Published.


GARCÍA, V.H., GUZMÁN, C., YAGUPSKY, D.L., CRISTALLINI, E.O., BECHIS, F., 2005. Control de la erosión fluvial sobre la estructura de una faja de corrimientos en crecimiento. Resultados de modelos análogos. Actas XII Reunión sobre Microtectónica y Geología Estructural. Serie D (10) de la Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 62-69. Published.


TOMEZZOLI, R.N., E.O. CRISTALLINI, 2004. Sección estructural de las Sierras Australes de la provincia de Buenos Aires: repetición de la secuencia estratigráfica a partir de fallas inversas. 2004. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 59 (2): 330-340. Published.


CRISTALLINI, E.O., A.H. COMINGUEZ, V.A. RAMOS y D.E. MERCERAT, 2004. Basement double-wedge thrusting in the northern Sierras Pampeanas of Argentina (26°S): constraints from deep seismic reflection, in K.R.McClay, ed., Thrust Tectonics and hydrocarbon system: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 82: 65-90. Published.


RAMOS, V.A., T. ZAPATA, E. CRISTALLINI, INTROCASO, A. 2004. The Andean thrust system – latitudinal variations in structural styles and orogenic shortening, in K.R.McClay, ed., Thrust Tectonics and hydrocarbon system: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 82: 30-50. Published.


CRISTALLINI, E.O., L. GIAMBIAGI, y R.W. ALLMENDINGER, 2004. Trishear 3D a kinematic model for oblique-slip and strike-slip structures. Geological Society of American Bulletin, 116 (7/8): 938-952. Published.


CRISTALLINI, E.O. & R.W. ALLMENDINGER, 2002. Backlimb trishear: a kinematic model for curved folds developed over angular fault bends. Journal of Structural Geology, 24 (2): 289-295. Published.


RAMOS, V.A, E.C. CRISTALLINI y D.J. PEREZ, 2002. The Pampean flat-slab of the Central Andes. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 15 (1): 59-78. Published.


GHIGLIONE, M., V.A. RAMOS, E.O. CRISTALLINI, 2002. Estructura y estratos de crecimiento en la faja plegada y corrida de los Andes Fueguinos. Revista Geológica de Chile, 29 (1), 3-27. Published.


CRISTALLINI, E.O. & R.W. ALLMENDINGER, 2001. Pseudo 3-D modeling of trishear fault-propagation folding. Journal of Structural Geology, 23(12): 1883-1899. Published.


CRISTALLINI, E.O. y V.A. RAMOS. 2000. Thick-skinned and thin-skinned thrusting in La Ramada fold and thrust belt : Crustal evolution of the High Andes of San Juan, Argentina (32° SL). Tectonophysics 317 (2000): 205-235. Published.


TOMEZZOLI, R.N., E.O. CRISTALLINI. 1998. Nuevas evidencias sobre la importancia del fallamiento en la estructura de las Sierras Australes de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 53 (1): 117-129. Published.


CRISTALLINI, E.O., A. COMINGUEZ, V.A. RAMOS. 1997. The Deep Structure of the Metan-Guachipas Region: Tectonic inversion in northwestern Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 10 (5-6): 403-421. Published.


RAMOS, V.A, M. CEGARRA, E.O. CRISTALLINI 1996. Cenozoic Tectonics of the High Andes of West-Central Argentina (30°-36° S latitude). Tectonophysics 259: 185-200, Amsterdam. Published.


CRISTALLINI, E.O., P.P. ALVAREZ, D.J. PEREZ, V.A. RAMOS, 1996. Carta geológica de la región de la Ramada, Escala 1:100.000. Dirección Nacional del Servicio Geológico. Published.


CRISTALLINI, E.O. 1996. La faja plegada y corrida de la Ramada. En Ramos et al. (1996). Geología de la región del Aconcagua, provincias de San Juan y Mendoza. Subsecretaría de Minería de la Nación. Dirección Nacional del Servicio Geológico. pp 349-385. Published.


CRISTALLINI E.O. y V.A.RAMOS. 1996. Depósitos continentales cretácicos y volcanitas asociadas. En Ramos et al. (1996). Geología de la región del Aconcagua, provincias de San Juan y Mendoza. Subsecretaría de Minería de la Nación. Dirección Nacional del Servicio Geológico. pp 230-273. Published.


RAMOS, V.A., M.B. AGUIRRE URRETA, P.P. ALVAREZ, M. CEGARRA, E.O. CRISTALLINI, S.M. KAY, G.L. LO FORTE, F. PEREYRA Y D. PEREZ, 1996. Geología de la Región del Aconcagua, Provincias de San Juan y Mendoza. Dirección Nacional del Servicio Geológico, Anales 24: 1-510, Buenos Aires. Published.


CRISTALLINI, E.O., A. MOSQUERA, V. A. RAMOS, 1994. Estructura de la Alta Cordillera de San Juan. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 49 (1-2) (1994): 165-183. Published.

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