SOCIALIST RESISTANCE believes that "Ecological sanity is incompatible with capitalism and that an eco-friendly world means socialism"

Socialist Resistance is (SR) is a Trotskyist and ecosocialist organisation in Britain which publishes a Marxist periodical of the same name. In July 2009 the International Socialist Group (ISG) merged into SR, making SR the British Section of the Fourth International (see: ).

Socialist Resistance on eco-socialism (2007): “1. Introduction: Savage capitalism – wrecking lives, wrecking the planet. Hardly anyone now doubts that humanity is facing an enormous environmental crisis. The recent report by the International Panel on Climate Change, although watered down to meet the objections of the worst polluters, spells out what this means in graphic detail. Billions will face disaster from flooding, desertification, water shortage and other environmental consequences of global warming - unless there is a radical reversal of humanity’s production and consumption consequences… Savage capitalism is at its most open and overtly brutal in its profligate use of violence. The term ‘imperialism’ to describe the US and British relations with countries of the third world, especially in the Middle East, is now hardly challenged – indeed in the case of people like Niall Ferguson and Michael Ignatieff – openly celebrated. Imperialist military intervention is justified as part of the “war against terror”. But it is clear that American imperialism has gone to war in the Middle East to capture control of the world’s largest known oil reserves and the oil routes, but also to occupy a crucial part of Eurasia, which is regards as central to ensure continued US economic and political dominance worldwide… 14. Tasks. Another document deals with the detailed tactical and organisational consequences of the ecosocialist turn. However, our strategic approach will be governed by the following guidelines: We seek to build a broad ecosocialist, anticapitalist, current in the labour movement and the left, among young people and among environmentalists, including the Greens; We fight to win the labour movement to campaigning against environmental catastrophe as a central concern and priority; We fight to win environmentalists and youth to an understanding that ecological sanity is incompatible with capitalism and that an eco-friendly world means socialism.” [1].

[1]. Socialist Resistance, “Savage capitalism - the eco-socialist alternative”, International Viewpoint, September 2007: .