Solow Growth Model - Videos

Solow Growth Model - Video Tutorial

The following videos are designed as a teaching aid for my intermediate level macroeconomics discussion tutorial. All errors are my own.

The Solow Growth Model (aka the Solow-Swan model, the exogenous growth model, or the neoclassical growth model) is a model of long-run economic growth. It relates growth in a model economy to productivity (via a production function & a process for technology growth), capital accumulation (via a law of motion of capital, with investment defined by an exogenous savings rate, and exogenously defined depreciation), population growth, and a process for technology to accumulate.

At its simplest, the model demonstrates how these features can combine into a neoclassical framework (i.e. the set of model features we usually start off the course with: production function, rational economic agents, markets in equilibrium, etc.) and result in steady state level of capital (or steady state per-effective worker level with labor-augmented technology growth), which results in balanced growth of output-per-person. Usefully, the model can also show how various shocks and policy tweaks may result in different economic outcomes.

However, the Solow model is only part, and just the start of the story explaining economic growth.

Outline of Solow Model Series:

    • Extend model to include technology growth (exogenous and constant labor augmented technology).

    • Growth Rates of key variables - level effects vs. growth rates.

    • Empiricals: How well does the solow model fit the data? How well does the model explain economic growth?

    • Applications & examples of "full" solow-swan model.

    • Odds and ends.

    • Solow residual

Key Concepts

⋅ Solow growth model

⋅ Savings Rate ⋅ Depreciation ⋅ Stock vs flow ⋅ The capital accumulation equation (the law of motion of capital)

⋅ Diminishing returns ⋅ Net investment ⋅ Steady state

Solow Diagram ⋅ Absolute vs. conditional convergence

Golden rule level of capital

⋅ Effective labor

⋅ Efficiency of labor

⋅ Human capital

⋅ Labor-augmenting technology

⋅ Models of exogenous growth

⋅ Balanced growth path

Transition dynamics Level effectGrowth effect



*These videos are designed to be an aid to my intro and intermediate macroeconoics discussion tutorials.

Notes are guided by the approaches taken by Mankiw's Macroeconomics, Blanchard's Macroeconomics, and C. Jones' Macroeconomics.

All errors are my own.