Van Ours, J and J. Williams, "Health Consequences of Illicit Drugs Use", in The Encyclopedia of Health Economics . (Anthony Culyer, editor) Oxford: Elsevier, forthcoming.
Sickles RC, Williams J. (2006) "An intertemporal model of rational criminal choice", Panel data econometrics Theoretical contributions and empirical applications, pp.135 - 165.
Refereed Journal Articles
Bretteville-Jensen, A. L., Burdzovic Andreas, J., Williams, J., & Heradstveit, O. (2024). Treatment of substance use disorders in adolescence and early school leaving.. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. Advance online publication.
Palmer M., and Williams, J. (2023), “Are Employment Protection Laws for Disabled People Effective in a Low Income Country?”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Volume 71, Issue 3, pp. 1057–1092 https//
Williams, J. and Weatherburn, D. (2022). "Can Electronic Monitoring Reduce Reoffending?," The Review of Economics and Statistics, 104(2), pp 232-245
Williams, J and van Ours, J. (2020), Hazardous or Not? Early Cannabis Use, and the School to Work Transition of Young Men." Health Economics, 29 (10), pp.1148-1160.
Ward, S. Van Ours, J.C. and Williams, J. (2020), “,Delinquency, Arrest and Early School Leaving, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, July
Brettville-Jensen, A.L., Williams, J. and Gjersing, L. (2020), How may alternative drug policy settings influence criminal charges? A longitudinal study of cannabis patients and a general population sample, International Journal of Drug Policy. Aug;84 102863. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102863. PMID: 32799063.
Li, B., Sickles, R. and Williams, J. (2020) “Estimating Peer Effects on Career Choice: A Spatial Multinomial Logit Approach”, Advances in Econometrics, in: Tong Li & M. Hashem Pesaran & Dek Terrell (ed.),Essays in Honor of Cheng Hsiao, volume 41, pages 359-381, Emerald Publishing Ltd.
Palmer M., Williams, J. and McPake, B. (2018), “Standard of Living and Disability in Cambodia.” The Journal of Development Studies, 55(11), 2382-2402
Swami, M., Gravelle, H., Scott, A. and Williams, J. (2018), “Hours worked by general practitioners and waiting time for primary care”. Health Economics, 27(10);pp. 1513-1532 .
Williams, J., van Ours, JC., and. Grossman, M. (2016), “Attitudes to legalizing cannabis use” Health Economics, 25(9): pp. 1201-12-16
Ward S. and Williams J. (2015), "What is the Effect of Youthful Delinquency on Educational Attainment?" Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 12(4): pp. 716-756 .
Van Ours and Williams (2015), “Cannabis Use and Its Effects on Health, Education and Labour Market Success. Journal of Economic Surveys 25(9): pp. 1201-12-16
Williams J. and Bretteville Jensen AL. (2014), " Does Liberalizing Cannabis Laws Increase Cannabis Use?" Journal of Health Economics, 36(4): pp. 20-32.
Van Ours JC, Williams J, Fergusson D, Horwood J. (2013) "Cannabis use and suicidal ideation" Journal of Health Economics, 32 (3) : pp.524 - 537.
Van Ours JC, Williams J. (2012) "The effects of cannabis use on physical and mental health" Journal of Health Economics, 31 (4) : pp.564 - 577.
Van Ours J, Williams J. (2011) "Cannabis use and mental health problems" Journal of Applied Econometrics, 26 (7) : pp.1137 - 1156.
Frijters P, Shields M, Wheatley Price S, Williams J. (2011) "Quantifying the cost of passive smoking on child health: evidence from children's cotinine samples" Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series A: Statistics in Society, 174 (1) : pp.195 - 212.
Cameron L, Williams J. (2009) "Is the Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Health Stronger for Older Children in Developing Countries?" Demography, 46 (2) : pp.303 - 324.
Van Ours J, Williams J. (2009) "Why parents worry: Initiation into cannabis use by youth and their educational attainment" Journal of Health Economics, 28 (1) : pp.132 - 142.
Sickles C, Williams J. (2008) "Turning from Crime" Journal of Econometrics, 145 (1) : pp.158 - 173.
Van Ours J, Williams J. (2007) "Cannabis prices and dynamics of cannabis use" Journal of Health Economics, 26 (3) : pp.578 - 596.
Williams J, Pacula RL, Chaloupka FJ, Wechsler H. (2006) "College students' use of cocaine" Substance Use and Misuse, 41 (4) : pp.489 - 509.
Williams J, Skeels C. (2006) "The impact of cannabis use on health" De Economist, 154 (4) : pp.517 - 546.
Williams J, Chaloupka FJ, Wechsler H. (2005) "Are there differential effects of price and policy on college students' drinking intensity" Contemporary Economic Policy, 23 (1) : pp.78 - 90.
Williams J. (2005) "Habit formation and college students' demand for alcohol" Health Economics, 14 (2) : pp.119 - 134.
Williams J, Pacula R, Chaloupka FJ, Wechsler H. (2004) "Alcohol and marijuana use among college students: economic complements or substitutes" Health Economics, 13 (9) : pp.825 - 843.
Williams J, Mahmoudi P. (2004) "Economic relationship between alcohol and cannabis revisited" The Economic Record, 80 (248) : pp.36 - 48.
Powell LM, Williams J, Wechsler H. (2004) "Study habits and the level of alcohol use among college students" Education Economics, 12 (2) : pp.135 - 149.
Williams J. (2004) "The effects of price and policy on marijuana use: what can be learned from the Australian experience?" Health Economics, 13 (2) : pp.123 - 137.
Kalb G R, Williams J. (2003) "Delinquency and gender" Applied Economics Letters, 10 (7) : pp.425 - 429.
Williams J, Powell LM, Wechsler H. (2003) "Does alcohol consumption reduce human capital accumulation? Evidence from the College alcohol study" Applied Economics, 35 (10) : pp.1227 - 1239.
Williams J, Sickles R C. (2002) "An Analysis of Crime as Work Model: Evidence from the 1958 Philadelphia Birth Cohort Study" Journal of Human Resources, 37 (3) : pp.479 - 509.
Cameron L A, Williams J. (2001) "Cannabis, alcohol and cigarettes: Substitutes or complements?" The Economic Record, 77 (236) : pp.19 - 34.
Williams J. (2000) "Getting tough on crime: Will it win the war?" Agenda, 7 (1) : pp.33 - 45.
Other Publications
Williams, J., (2016), “Economic Insight on Market Structure and Competition”, Addiction, 111(12); pp. 2094-2095
Williams, J. (2013), “The Truth about Cannabis Use”, Insights, 14: 13-19.
Sickles C, Williams J. (2008) "Special Issue editors' introduction: The Use of Econometrics in Informing Policy Makers"Journal of Econometrics, 145 (1) : pp.1 - 3.
Williams, J., Pacula, R., Chaloupka, F.J. and H. Wechsler (2006), “Limits of Current Economic Analysis of the Demand for Illicit Drugs,” Substance Use and Misuse, 41(4): 607-609 .
Williams, J. (2000), “Book Review of A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi, Regression Analysis of Count Data,” Economic Record, 76(233): 216-218 .