
Effective Communication in Outbreak Management (ECOM)

The goal of the ECOM project was to develop an evidence-based behavioural and communication package for health professionals and agencies throughout Europe in case of major outbreaks of infectious diseases. This site contains recommendations derived primarily from the findings of a study from the ECOM project that included over 15,000 people in 10 countries in Europe.

The Recommendations page provides links to general recommendations about communicating about influenza pandemics or, if you are looking for country-specific recommendations, we include specific recommendations for 10 European countries. In addition to the recommendations, you can also view our study materials in the native language by clicking a link towards the bottom of each infographic.

To learn more information about the ECOM project or for additional behavioural and communication packages, visit ecomeu.info.

For questions or comments, contact Angie Fagerlin at angie.fagerlin@hsc.utah.edu.