Notes and Homework

Notes can be found here. Homework can be found here.

Disclaimer: These notes are meant to be very brief outlines of what I intend to cover in class. You have to come to class to get additional details, examples, etc. Also, these are outlines that I make to prepare myself for each lecture, so they are not carefully proof-read. Please let me know if you find any typos, and I will correct them. Below is a tentative list of topics that will be covered in the course.

1. Introduction

2. Single-Server Queue

3. Markov Chains

4. A Note on Simulations

5. Multiple Servers

6. Load Balancing Algorithms

7. Mean-Field Analysis

8. Virtual Machine Placement

9. Parallelizing PageRank

10. Parallelizing Netflix Recommendations

11. Data Center Architectures and Traffic Engineering

13. Inside a Switch

14. MapReduce/Spark

15. Data Locality

16. Data Storage

17. Congestion Control