Quick links: syllabus - labs - schedule - references - PIC24 support library
Section 01 (9:00 AM - 9:50 AM): Yu Luo - Rula 3080
Dr. Luo's office: Simrall 239
Office hours: Monday 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Final exam: December 9, 2024, 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Lab: Simrall 329
Lab TAs:
Section 03 (Monday 6:30 PM -9:20 PM): Peter Loux <prl83@msstate.edu>and Kishor Joshi <kj1377@msstate.edu>
Section 04 (Tuesday 3:30 PM -6:20 PM): Peter Loux <prl83@msstate.edu>and Kishor Joshi <kj1377@msstate.edu>
Section 05 (Thursday 12:30 PM - 3:20 PM): Peter Loux <prl83@msstate.edu>and Kishor Joshi <kj1377@msstate.edu>
Lecture slides (Download from Canvas course/Files/Slides):
Chapter 1: Digital system
Chapter 2: Number Sequencing Computer (NSC)
Chapter 3: Introduction to PIC Microcontroller
Chapter 4: Arithmetic Operation, Logic Operation and Condition Expressions
Chapter 5: 32-bit Extension and Signed Operation
Chapter 6: Pointer, Stack, and Subroutine
Chapter 7: I/O Ports, Reset, and Watchdog Timer
Chapter 8: Interrupt and Timer
Chapter 9: Asynchronous Communications
Chapter 10: SPI and I2C Serial Interfaces
Chapter 11: ADC and DAC
Please report any errors in the textbook, labs, slides, code, test solutions, etc. so they can be fixed!
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