
Electricity Markets:

PJM Long-Term Regional Transmission Planning Framework PJM Interconnection LLC, December 2023. [slides]

Resilient Electricity Requires Consumer Engagement (with Simon Brandkamp, Stephanie Chan, Peter Cramton, David Malec, Axel Ockenfels, and Lucy Yu) Working Paper, University of Maryland, August 2023. [download]

Analysis of Market Design Alternatives for the Centralized Procurement of Clean Energy Attributes in PJM PJM Interconnection LLC, March 2023. [slides] [data and results]

Price Responsive Demand in Britain’s Electricity Market (with Peter Cramton, Simon Brandkamp, Stephanie Chan, David Malec, and Lucy Yu) Working Paper, University of Cologne, November 2021. [download]

Fostering resiliency, the importance of the demand side Proceedings of the 20th Wind Integration Workshop, 29 Sep. 2021 [download]

Electricity Markets in Transition: A multi-decade micro-model of entry and exit in advanced wholesale markets (with Peter Cramton, David Malec, and Pat Sujarittanonta) Working Paper, University of Cologne, September 2021 [download]

The Financial Impact of the 2021 Texas Winter Storm on Generation Owners: Outages, Forward Obligations, and Repricing (with Peter Cramton, David Malec, and Pat Sujarittanonta) [Tableau workbook 386 MB; Tableau Reader to view the workbook]

Transport Economics:

Welfare effects of optimal road pricing in a simple model of a city with heterogeneous agents (with Peter Cramton and Axel Ockenfels) Working Paper, University of Cologne, September 2021 [download]

A bottleneck with variable capacity, approximate and exact solutions (with Peter Cramton and Axel Ockenfels) Working Paper, University of Cologne, March 2019 [download]

Economic Growth:

Patterns of Convergence (Divergence) in the Euro Area: Profitability Versus Cost and Price Indicators (with Monica Amici and Roberto Torrini) Italian Economic Journal, 2018, 4(3), pp. 367–384 [download]

Tax evasion, firm dynamics, and growth, Working Paper, Bank of Italy,  October 2016  [download] (Media coverage: VoxEU, 05 November 2016; Economist’s View, 05 November 2016; Truenumbers, 25 October 2016; Il Sole 24 Ore, 4 April 2017;, 15 June 2018)

Reallocation and growth in transitions (with Rasmus Lentz) Working Paper, University of Wisconsin-Madison, July 2010 [download]

New evidence on service lives of capital goods in Italy: implications for capital stock measurement and TFP growth (with Massimiliano Iommi and Rafaele Tartaglia-Polcini) Working Paper, Bank of Italy,  March 2015 [download]

Labor Economics:

Replacement search and wages, Working Paper, University of Cologne,  December 2019 [download] (previously circulated as "Replacement hiring and wages," download old version)

Reallocation and the role of firm composition effects on aggregate wage dynamics (with Effrosyni Adamopoulou, Marta De Philippis, Federico Giorgi) IZA Journal of Labor Economics, 2019, 8(3), pp. 1-24 [download] [Previously circulated as "Allocative efficiency and aggregate wage dynamics in Italy, 1990-2013," Quaderni di Economia e Finanza nr. 340, download old version]

Wage rigidities and business cycle fluctuations: a linked employer-employee analysis (with Effrosyni Adamopoulou, Marta De Philippis, and Federico Giorgi) IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 2016, 5(22), pp. 1-32 [download]

The Danish Matched Employer-Employee Data (with Henning Bunzel) In: Firm Heterogeneity, Labor Markets and International Trade. Ed. by Henning Bunzel, Bent Jesper Christensen, and Dale Mortensen. Springer Verlag, forthcoming [download]

Some considerations on the optimality and coverage of the Italian unemployment insurance system, Working Paper, Bank of Italy, April 2011 [download]

Approfondimenti sul mercato del lavoro e le politiche sociali: l'indennità ordinaria di disoccupazione

Partecipazione al lavoro e inclusione sociale: aspetti critici e possibili interventi (with Andrea Brandolini, Fabrizio Colonna, Francesco D'Amuri, Alfonso Rosolia, Roberto Torrini, and Roberta Zizza)

Ph.d. dissertation:

Three Essays in Economics [download]

Advisors: Rasmus Lentz (main), John Kennan, Salvador Navarro