Call for Papers

Early-Career Behavioral Economics Conference (ECBE)

Bonn, July 1–2, 2024


We are happy to announce that the 10th Early-Career Behavioral Economics Conference will take place at the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) in Bonn on July 1–2, 2024.  



The goal of this conference is to provide a platform for early-career researchers to present their research and receive feedback on their work. The conference seeks to promote the development of a community of behavioral economics researchers. Contributions from all areas and applications of behavioral economics are welcome, including empirical and theoretical research.



We invite early-career researchers who are at most seven years out of their PhD who are currently PhD students, Postdocs, Assistant Professors, recently promoted Associate Professors, or equivalent.



The conference will be hosted and generously sponsored by IZA. There is no conference fee. Conference meals will be covered for all invited participants. If financial assistance is needed for travel and accommodation, please indicate this on the online application form. Selected participants will only be eligible to receive financial assistance if they have indicated this on the application form. Kindly note that tax regulations prohibit IZA from fully reimbursing the travel expenses of conference participants who combine their trip with other destinations or extend their stay beyond the four-day window surrounding the event.


How to Apply

To apply, please follow this link and complete the application by December 15, 2023. In the online form, you will be asked to upload a pdf document of the paper you wish to present. Extended abstracts will not be considered. Please submit a single pdf that does not exceed 16 MB with your name as the file name (LastName_FirstName). Selected participants will be notified by the beginning of March.


For more information, please contact or visit the conference website: We look forward to receiving your applications.


The Organizing Committee

Peter Andre

Cuimin Ba

Luca Henkel

Mattie Toma