A brief description

I mainly work in Statistical Mechanics, Dynamical Systems and Information Theory.

Some selected researchs are:

  • Statistical Mecanics of the vortex model, in a collaboration with P.L. Lions, C. Marchioro and M. Pulvirenti.
  • Construction of initial data for the 1D Vlasov-Poisson Equation for which the Landau Damping effectively happens, in a collaboration with C. Maffei.
  • Granular systems in 1D in various collaborations with D. Benedetto, J.A. Carrillo, F. Golse, M. Pulvirenti and C. Villani.
  • The proof of the existence of the dynamics for a system of infinitely many particles in dimension 3 in a collaboration with C. Marchioro and M. Pulvirenti.
  • A method to classify texts based on data compression algorithms, in a collaboration with D. Benedetto and V. Loreto. On the same line with D. Benedetto, M. Degli Esposti e M. Lana, we collaborate with the Fondazione Istituto Gramsci on problems of authorship attribution.
  • The characterization of the periodic Lorentz gas in 2D in the limit of Boltzman-Grad, obtained in a collaboration with F. Golse.