Here's What People Are Saying About Switchcraft:

"This book is filled with love... Yes, love. Elliott loves billets and he loves switching them. There is a lot of great work inside. If you are a pro, amateur or just plain billet crazy, then this is something you need to put in your library. You won't be disappointed."

-Gregory Arce

"I simply love your original Switchcraft and all the supplements. I cannot believe you continue to send new material every so often. I applaud you for your fine work and deep insights! Thank you."

-Richard Osterlind

"Did I tell you that I intend to include Switchcraft in my 39 Steps when I update it? It is easily one of the most valuable mentalism resources to be published in the last decade."

-Bob Cassidy

“I gave your book a quick once-over and find it to be much more than just switches -- I will spend many happy hours absorbing it all! You have included some great thinking in all phases of billet work including complete routines and photos to make learning easy. Your work should definitely become a classic in the field! Thank you for making this work available to the community.”

-Millard Longman

"This is a brilliant primer on billet work. It has some novel improvements on published techniques, most of which are clever and easy to learn. The book should serve as the first book for someone who is interested in doing billet work. Through his careful scholarship, Elliott has screened through most of the literature in the field and presented basic ideas that are pregnant with possibilities. I wish I would have had such a book to learn from when I started billet work 40 years ago. Highly recommended."

-Barrie Richardson

“I do believe that Elliot's work belongs on a bookshelf next to Al Mann's epic Purloined Thought. His book will go down in history as being truly ‘authoritative’.”

- Stuart Cumberland

"Switchcraft is an absolute epic in billet work. It is THE definitive work on billets and an absolute must have for anyone interested in billet work. Learn just half that and you will never have to buy another billet related work again."


"Switchcraft is easily the greatest value in mentalism today. Elliott's work is passionate, well defined, infinitely useful and consistently good. The continuous supplements make purchasing this work a 'no-brainer' and both Switchcraft and Elliott's efforts will go down in mentalism history.."

-Jerome Finley

“Elliott, you compiled an outstanding e-book. Your book is a must-have resource to be placed together with all the stuff that the great billet handlers, of the present and of the past, created.”

-Paolo Cavalli

“Elliott, I am so very thankful to have finally purchased Switchcraft. It is exactly what I needed & wanted and so much more. Your crisp writing style and wonderful layout decorate the content and thus make it an absolute pleasure to read, re-read and refer back to again and again. Switchcraft is by far the very best purchase I have made in a very long time, and no doubt for a long time to come. Congratulations sir, I truly look forward to more. Thank you for the time you took in order to make my magic so much better."

-Charlie Justice

"Switchcraft is truly a 'classic' in every sense of the word. It is my most treasured piece of mentalism."

- Bob Tripp

"Elliott shared some of his billet switching techniques with me several months ago. I knew a couple basic switches at the time, but I wasn't proficient enough to apply them to any routines. His tips made a BIG difference. Things finally clicked and I was able to focus on billet routines I had previously avoided. These barrier-busting methods are among the many you'll find in Switchcraft. Elliott went the extra mile with his e-book; Clear, detailed instructions and photos covering everything from easy to advanced moves, theory, and routines. There is more than enough material in Switchcraft to keep billet workers busy for quite some time!"

-Kevin C.

“Elliott, you've done for billets what Busch did for peeks, AND at a most reasonable fee. I hope you sell a thousand copies! This is what all e-books SHOULD be: great new material, usable, well done and inexpensive.

“Thank you...yours may be the best bargain of the year in e-books. I'm very glad I bought this. Like others mentioned, the thought of doing billets and switches used to give me the heebie-jeebies. Cassidian Mentalism was not my style, couldn't pull off the moves...but now I'm thinking differently thanks to your new simple moves. Again, thanks for your efforts.”

-Tom Jorgenson

"Elliot has received some great reviews and comments on Switchcraft, and deservedly so! I am a HUGE fan of billet work and Elliot’s great book on switch-work will eventually rank right up there with other classic tomes on this theme. The switches are very clearly explained and are accompanied with clear color photos. About ten easy and visually deceptive switch variations are taught. His E.B. Refold and Ultimate E.B. NCP switches are worth the price of the book all by themselves. Great job, Elliot!"

-Bryn Reynolds

“I skimmed the techniques and the routines and both those sections look really good. The real meat though is the section on theory. I read through all of that and I must say it's well worth double the price he's charging. Such brilliant ideas like, "Switch as an 'Out'", "The 'Get out of Jail Card'", and "Pocket Writing - The Ultimate Billet Index" should give you plenty of ideas for loads of material. If Corinda's "Step Six" left you a bit confused or sour on billet work, then Elliott's book will give you everything you need to know to switch with confidence.”

-Scott Drebus

“Switchcraft is honestly one of the best (if not THE Best) purchase I have made in terms of mentalism material. I say this with no incentive, or benefit – it is the honest truth.”

-Omar Nasouri

As an amateur (to put it kindly) mentalist, I have always approached the switching of billets with trepidation, and the fear of getting caught -- "Hey -- you just switched my paper for another one" -- has kept me from performing effects that call for a switch. After reading Elliott's treatise, I suspect that will change. He has produced a book that is well-written and comprehensive, filled with moves, subtleties, and ideas that will teach you what to do -- not to mention when, why, and how to do it -- and set your mind racing with ideas of your own. The moves require practice, of course, but they're clearly explained and not daunting to master. Best of all, this is the work of an amateur, in the best (and original) sense of the word: someone who follows his muse for the sheer love of it. Elliott's love for billets is infectious.”

-Adam Green

"Switchcraft is a fantastic manuscript, with comprehensive explanations of the EB Switch and many variants. It's also refreshing to see a humorous and entertaining approach, which is so missing in other works on the subject. It is a great value for money and deserves to be amongst the many highly regarded mentalist resources listed in the credits. The only reservation I have about recommending it to other mystery entertainers is that I wish I'd known about it and kept it to myself when it first came out!!"

-Steve Drury

"Switchcraft is a treasure trove of both techniques and subtleties."

-Matthew Schouten

"I'm still afraid of Virginia Woolf, but I no longer fear billet switches."

-Scott Drebus (A second endorsement. Cool!!)

"Thanks very much Elliott, some really nice thinking in there! I love billet routines and feel they are much underused. I like how you have streamlined the handlings for ease of use, allowing the mentalist to focus on the presentation. There are excellent photos and very clear and easy to follow instructions. You have certainly covered every potential handling and every possible hiccup that one might experience. You seem to have really worked through it and must have spent hours ironing out all the problems! I wish all e-books were like that. All in all…good job, and a steal at the price."

-Simon Davison

"As a fulltime hypnotist, also doing mentalism since 1968, I've found your Switchcraft to be not only a tremendous value, but unbelievably thorough."

-Robert L. Bayliss

"I've just downloaded this and had a very quick skim through. Initial impressions? Excellent! Great thoughts and truly fantastic value."

-Jon White

“I too am more than happy to add my name to the list of highly satisfied owners of this book. If there is anyone with a serious interest in mentalism (although some of the methods could be used in other areas of magic,) you really must add this to your library. It is extremely well written, easy to read and an excellent accompaniment to other famous works. You really will kick yourself when you eventually buy this and realize that you should have done so a long time before. The value is staggering. You would pay more than the asking price for just one of the bonuses. That may sound like advertising or marketing hype but for once it is accurate. The service Elliott provides is also second to none. People who know me know that I am not in the habit of lavishing praise unless it is really well deserved. So if you are genuinely interested in this area, you really do need to download this book.”

-Iain Jenkin

"Switchcraft has opened my eyes to the art of billet switching. I always felt uneasy about introducing a dummy billet to a routine and, instead, preferred to rely on peeks and tears. However, upon studying the routines and techniques in Elliott's work, I now realize the number of possibilities open to me, whilst still keeping the methods relatively simple."

-James Went

"Elliott's switch work is underpriced, for what I am sure will become a Master Manual on the subject, if not already so."

-John Maclaren

Switchcraft is a splendid ebook. I fell in love with it when I first opened the file. The combined set has has over 300 pages, and I really like the photos. Mentalists have been falling in love with Elliott’s Switchcraft the same way Magician’s have for John Lovick’s Switch. You can't go wrong with Switchcraft.”


"There are some really fine PDF books out there, some which belie their slimness with ratio of useful data to page. But for sheer quantity with a HUGE amount of quality usefulness, how could one beat Switchcraft, which seems to be heading into its second thousand pages even as we watch?"

-Chet Cox

(Disclaimer - I haven’t quite reached the first thousand pages...yet – E.B.)

"In these times, when the vast, vast majority of mentalism publications seem to be overpriced, underwhelming, or both, I have always been particularly proud of releasing material that seasoned professionals regard as true bargains. But this Elliott guy ... man, he makes it difficult to compete! The bargain of the decade, to be sure."

-Doug Dyment

"Elliott, I ordered Switchcraft yesterday and I received a 483 (!!!) page e-book. All this for less than twenty dollars! You must be totally crazy! Furthermore, there seems to be no filler. All the techniques are excellent and clearly explained. I too struggled for a long time to find a "clean" solution to the Baker Switch, but your idea makes things a real piece of cake. In one word: your work is awesome! (OK, it's four words...) I'm more than pleased to own this manuscript. Bravo!"

-Greg Lennox

"If you do billet work, if you are thinking of billet work, if you want to do billet work, if you are afraid of billet Switchcraft. The fact that Elliot keeps releasing free updates for the ebook makes me feel this is one of the best magic/mentalism investments I have ever made."

-Tony Miller

"Elliott, your wonderful work in this document is transcendental. Billets are an essential and incredible tool that, thanks to your e-book, can be expanded to infinite limits."

-Pablo Amirá

"Your work is one of the most important pieces in the art in the last decade (or more.)"

-Sean Waters

“Send me your testimonials and be immortalized on the net.”

(also, let me know if it is OK to quote you)

-Elliott Bresler