Seminar on Interacting Particle Systems

Lectures are on Tuesdays 15:30 - 17:30.

Location: Room 112 Industrial Engineering building (ניהול 112).

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Interacting particle system (IPS) is a Markov chain where the state space is a configuration or a labeled graph. We will learn about noted examples of IPS arising in computer science, economy and physics. A major part of the class would be to understand when one can define an IPS through its infinitesimal generator, and when one needs to rely on other techniques. Studying the IPS would require use of diverse tools from various mathematical fields.

The course will cover some of the following subjects:

1. Markov processes and their semigroup generators.

2. Constructing generators for particle systems.

3. Coupling particle systems, duality and reversibility.

4. Martingales for particle systems.

4. Voter model.

5. Exclusion process.

6. Opinion propagation models.

6. Durrett's graphical representation of particle systems.

7. Particle systems from statistical mechanics.


  1. Durrett - 10 lectures on Interacting Particle Systems.

  2. Liggett - Interacting Particle Systems.

  3. Swart - A course in Interacting Particle Systems.

Classroom board.

Notes to myself.

Class recordings:

  1. Intro and some examples 6.4.2021

  2. Percolation and Markov Generators 13.4.2021

  3. Interacting Particles systems and main examples 20.4.2021

  4. Graphical representation and uses for Contact process 27.4.2021

  5. Duality and invariant measures of Contact and Voter 4.5.2021

  6. Voter and Stationary DLA 11.5.2021

  7. SDLA construction and geometric properties 18.5.2021

  8. Ergodic Theory, talk by Yonatan Shadmi 25.5.2021

  9. Bounded generators and Feller Processes, talk by Dan Greenstein 1.6.2021

  10. Computer simulations, talk by Elad Davidson 15.6.2021

  11. Stationary Hastings Levitov, talk by Anna Zhuchenko 22.6.2021