easybashgui in your project


You are a programmer.

You have an idea, you search for an easy widget tool for it, and finally you don't want bother about wich DE environment user has.

And here EasyBashGUI is!

How to add EBG to your project?

Basically, in three ways.

1) Tag it as dependency. Fedora, PCLinuxOS and Puppy Linux, have own packages in their repositories. (Sadly, EBG structure is compliant with Debian policy, but no way to have a deb package in its repo... ).

2) Pick EBG tarball, put in your project tarball and include EBG makefile commands in your project makefile.

3) Put single file "easybashgui" (or possibly "easybashgui.lib" too) in your project working directory, copy the "easybashincl code snippet" from the "easybashgui" file into your script, and call "eb_incl easybashgui" from your script, thus all EBG function are loaded an working. No dependency, and no makefile.

Which way?

It's your choice.

1) Tagging as dependency exclude you from this problem, and maybe gives to this library a little more fame, but you are not sure whether user manages it well, and whether he's able to use your program, at the end.

2) Including EBG makefile in your makefile is probably the more practical solution (on the other hand, it's a lot of time that I don't update it, so... don't worry too much to ship an obsolete version.. ;-)  )

3) This solution is slightly simpler, but in this way user doesn't install some stuff (e.g.: Xdialog widget icons), so IMO it's a feature available and working, but is limited.

Last note.

If user has an older EBG version, no problem.

1) EBG makefile copies all files in right directories: if file there is already, it simply overwrite it. Well... maybe user could have cp="cp -i" alias, then he should type "y" to answer, but I don't know if aliases affect that script... anyway... if you want avoid user has to confirm overwrite, you could modify "cp" in makefile in "cp -f" (force). However... you see it would be a minor problem.

2) EBG higher versions doesn't drop any EBG lower versions functions... so you never have a lack of a feature, but always more feature, as version raise up. So, a script wrote on EBG vers.:3.0.0 works perfectly with EBG vers.: 10.0.0 (obviously not the reverse).

For other doubts and infos... don't hesitate to write me to vaisargerTHAT-STRANGE-SYMBOLgmailDOH!Tcom  ;-)