What We Believe

Statement of Purpose

The Eastwood Apostolic Lutheran Church is incorporated as a non-profit religious organization whose purpose is to “proclaim the Word.” It acknowledges the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments (in their original autographs) as the inerrant and wholly reliable Word of God which is the supreme and only norm and rule of faith and practice of the Christian Church. It also subscribes to the Apostles’ Nicene and the Athanasian Creeds and accepts the Lutheran Confessions contained in the Book of Concord.

Although the message in God’s Word was delivered to an original audience, and it is important to understand context in that light, it is not to be dismissed as being meant only for the original audience. In that sense the Word is not bound to time, even that of the first century. The Word also allows itself to become bound to time in order to speak the gospel message to each period in history. The Eastwood ALC has been placed in Upper Michigan and bears witness to the present generation to a living, powerful Christ. It is His Word which brings meaning to our present condition and hope for the future.

The Eastwood ALC is devoted to the proclamation of this Word. Its stance is best described as evangelical, conservative and Lutheran. It is conservative because of its position regarding the Word of God. Its Lutheranism is evident in subscribing to the Lutheran Confessions. Its evangelicalism is revealed by its concern for the salvation of souls through the proclamation of the Gospel. The Eastwood ALC is a member of the Apostolic Lutheran Church of America. All congregations of the ALCA are autonomous in that they can call pastors not ordained by the ALCA.