MANAGEMENT - Updated by GM vote 12/10/17

Committee Responsibilities

1. Helps monitor the budget and EBHC expenses from information provided by the Office Manager.

2. Works with the Treasurer to research EBHC investments and opportunities.

3. In coordination with other committees and the Office Manager, proposes Annual budget.

4. Reviews and approves work out arrangements for Members late in paying carrying charges and other payments as reported by the Office Manager.

5. Recommends hiring/firing of office manager to General Membership. Conducts interviews for this position. Oversees this position including annual written review & updating Job Description.

6. Reviews and updates this Manual.

7. Handles all grievances brought against Board Officers and provides mediation as necessary.

Tasks to be done to implement Job Description

1. Meet with Treasurer and/or the Office Manager to learn budget and cash flow through monthly report review.

2. Meet with and evaluate any and all outside agencies as may be needed to facilitate investments, tax matters, etc.

3. Facilitate review and preparation of Annual Budget following process spelled out in Section V of the Handbook, "Annual Budget Process".

4. Understand all the policies concerning payment of rent and work-out arrangements found in the Occupancy Agreement, Article 10, Section A, and the house rules.

5. Understand the job description/agreement of the Office Manager, and be up-to-date on current state and federal hiring and firing guidelines.

6. Review the various sections of this book, and encourage all other committees to do the same, at least an annual basis.

7. Review and understand any & all current conflict resolution policies.

8. Seek any outside assistance necessary for help with the above tasks.

Management Co-coordinators Responsibilities

1. Keep all committee files, minutes, and associated information organized for committee use in perpetuity.

2. Schedule meetings and work parties.

3. Notify members by posting meeting/work parties on both laundry room doors.

4. Invite members to participate with the committee when necessary and appropriate.

5. Report to General Membership any need for new members to assist the committee.

6. Attend Management Committee/GM meetings and provide the committee report.

7. Post Management minutes for meetings on bulletin boards, list serve, & in Google Drive.

8. Access key box in office for members locked out of their house.

9. President, Vice President, and Treasurer can sign checks for EBHC in addition to committee co-coords.