05. Advanced SNP topics and implications for genealogy

You may want to view a detailed SNP video from basics to advanced at Who Do you think you are presentationPart two is here

How does Yfull calculate the years to a TMRCA?

  • What is YFull's SNP age estimation methodology? Link Here
  • Confidence interval for the A6108 Phelps of Albemarle co, VA
  • More on what the Confidence Interval means for the age of A6108. Question to Yfull: With your 95% confidence interval of 500 (275-900) can anything MORE be said about the probability within the range of 275 to 900. For example is the probability of 300 the same as 400? Or are they both at 95% probability? No, 300 and 400 have difference probability. Closer to 500 -> higher probability. Also Poisson distribution (used for TMRCA) is not symmetric. I didn't find good picture for Poisson distribution. But Poisson distribution is similar to chi-squared distribution. You can see at http://davegiles.blogspot.ru/2012/02/more-on-shortest-confidence-intervals.html a picture for chi-squared distribution. Always glad to help you, Vadim Urasin YFull Team
  • Thus we should be able to apply their response to the Z31503 SNP age (which all the 3 major lines plus two more have), yfull reports this aging: TMRCA 500 Years before Present CI 95% 900-275

11/2017 Big Changes to YFull: A detailed and advanced report on analyzing the results of a Yfull.com Big Y test.

On October 9, I posted the Big Y Update from Family Tree DNA. The announcement stated that FTDNA was updating all Big Y results from the older human genome reference sequence, hg19, to the most recent and more accurate reference hg38. This means that YFull, which interprets Big Y results, would have to include references to both hg19 and hg38 and be ready to process new tests mapped to hg38.

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