MWDS 2017

The Midwest Dynamical Systems Conference was held at Northwestern in Fall 2017. Additional Information about the event can be found at the event webpage.


Jacopo De Simoi, University of Toronto

Daniel Groves, University of Illinois at Chicago

Patrick Ingram, York University

Boris Kalinin, Penn State University

Alex Kontorovich, Rutgers University

Joel Moreira, Northwestern University

Rohini Ramadas, Harvard University

Scott Schmieding, Northwestern University

Liz Vivas, Ohio State University


November 3

4:10pm Colloquium Lecture: Alex Kontorovich (Lunt 105)

Geometry and arithmetic of crystallographic packings

5:15pm Wine & Cheese Reception in the common room (2nd floor of Lunt)

November 4

All talks held in Technological Institute M345

8:30am Breakfast

9:00 Jacopo De Simoi

Spectral rigidity and planar convex billiards

10:00 Rohini Ramadas

Algebraic dynamics from topological and holomorphic dynamics

11:00 Coffee and snacks

11:30 Scott Schmieding

Automorphisms of the shift: Lyapunov exponents and the dimension representation

12:30-2:30 Lunch break

2:30 Joel Moreira

Multiple recurrence along sparse sequences over thick sets

3:30 Coffee and snacks

4:00 Daniel Groves

Uniform versus non-uniform convergence action on the two-sphere

November 5 -- Daylight Savings begins, set your clocks back!

All talks held in Technological Institute M345

8:30 Breakfast

9:00 Patrick Ingram

The critical height and its depleted variants

10:00 Liz Vivas

Scattering methods for skew-product parabolic maps

11:00 Coffee and snacks

11:30 Boris Kalinin

Normal forms on contracting foliations