6. Version History and Download

Version 1.6.2 (2007-03-12)

- fixed memory leak

- transfer to MS Visual Studio 2005

Version 1.6 (2004-03-07)

- center/left/right text justification

Version 1.5.1 (2003-11-16)

- corrected dynamic change of frame size in source text

Version 1.5 (2003-10-10)

- Bi-directional support (Hebrew, Arabic)

- variable text indentation

- performance improvement

Version 1.4 (2003-09-14) - Double-Byte Character Set support (BIG 5)

- corrected font change in the middle of source text

Version 1.3 (2003-06-30) - external bitmap support

- turning off "Smooth edges of screen fonts" not necessary

- full-frame bitmaps are created

- default Contour set to 2 (for flickering suppression)

- improved log-file generation

Version 1.2 (2003-05-20) - corrected NTSC support (frame-rate and screen-size parameters added)

- corrected national language support (occasional missing nls characters bug corrected)

- added user-defined profiles into DVDSupEncode.ini

Version 1.1 (2003-05-05) - first published release