Biographical Sketch

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2020 - Present : University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA (Postdoc)
Working on making machine learning algorithms more robust.

2016 - 2020 : University of Colorado, Boulder, USA (PhD)
Wandered into the world of robotic systems and formal verification during my undergraduate years. Found an opportunity to work with Prof Sriram Sankaranarayanan, in the Department of Computer Science at CU Boulder. Ended up actually working on verifying properties of deep neural networks when used in a safety critical system. We ended up writing some pretty influential papers down the line and built a tool Sherlock. By the way, Boulder was a great place to live ! Check it out here.

2011-2015: Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India (BE)
The first exposure to the "real" world, and introduction to the idea of engineering. Jadavpur University was ranked 9th in India the last time I checked it here.
This place taught me engineering well enough that when I casually sat for the GATE exam, I was ranked 31st in India. GATE is a graduate level nationwide exam for engineers in India. You can find out more

1998 - 2011 : Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Kolkata, India
Spent some of the best of years of my life in this wonderful place. Check it out
here, wiki.