PTO Funded Activities

Monthly Morsels

Periodically throughout the school year- the DSHS PTO sponsors Monthly Morsels for the DSHS teachers and staff.

Delicious food following a different theme is provided by the DSHS parent community (that's you!). The staff and teachers look forward to and really appreciate these special morning treats!


9th Grade Parent Coffee

Each year in the Fall, the PTO sponsors a parent coffee. This informational event is hosted by the Freshman Class liaisons and is typically held in someone's home. Members of the administration and parents with older students share information about the high school and also answer questions. A great opportunity to meet other parents and to learn about DSHS.

If you'd like to help with the Freshman Parent Coffee- either by helping with food or volunteering to share your expertise with freshman parents- please contact the Freshman Parent liaisons. 

11th Grade Parent Night

In Fall the PTO sponsors an evening event for Junior parents to start the conversation about the college process in a low stress environment. No administration- just parent-to-parent. A great opportunity to ask the parents of seniors and recent DS graduates about, well, anything! 

If you'd like to help by providing food or sharing what you've learned about the college process, please contact Junior Parent liaison. 

DeStress DS

Multiple times a year the DSHS PTO provides a much deserved break to the student body by providing food during a morning break or afternoon treat. PTO members- with the help from other parents in the community- provide snacks and set-up/clean-up the event. The exact day is kept secret so the students are surprised- and it's a really fun event. The kids love it!