World mission sunday

World Mission Sunday

World Mission Sunday is an annual event celebrated by the Catholic Church. It takes place on the penultimate Sunday of October and is dedicated to promoting missionary work around the world. The day is marked by a special Mass, prayers, collections, and activities aimed at raising awareness about the importance of spreading the Gospel message.

World Mission Sunday was first introduced in 1926 by Pope Pius XI as a way of highlighting the role of the Church in spreading the message of Christ to all corners of the globe. Today, it is observed worldwide and is an opportunity for all Catholics to show their solidarity with those who work in the mission field.

The theme for World Mission Sunday changes every year, but the message remains the same - to share the love of Christ with others. The funds raised on this day go towards supporting the work of missionaries and the growth of the Church in developing countries.

Overall, World Mission Sunday serves as a reminder of the Church's commitment to spreading the Gospel message across the world and provides an opportunity for Catholics to contribute to this important work.

2023 World Mission Sunday- Parish Promotional Materials:

Missio - Have a direct connection to Pope Francis' missions

Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for World Mission Sunday 2023: “Hearts on fire, feet on the move”

English - Message for World Mission Day 2023 | Francis (

Spanish - Mensaje para la Jornada Mundial de las Misiones 2023 | Francisco (

Pope Francis' Message for World Mission Day 2024

English - Read here